You've ordered your food. Let's say you're at a casual restaurant, decent prices, lots of options. You get the spagetti and meatballs. The server is fine, everything is good until you get the food. You taste it and it's not good at all. Do you..........
A. Call over the server and tell her the food is disgusting and you want something else.
B. Endure it and go ahead and eat it to be polite/
C. Tell your friends suddenly you feel sick and will be taking your food to go.
D. Other.
I don't know how to make a poll yet. :? Sorry. :/
A, tell them to remake it properly or make another dish for me. And wtf is this politeness talk? polite is when you are invited to dinner at someones house, then you suffer through the food. You are paying for a service which should be up to a standard, if it isnt you either get a refund or get a new dish.Let's point out though, that this depends on whether or not you just plain didn't like the dish, or if they ACTUALLY ****ed it up.
My thinking is, if they ****ed it up, then they ought to give me another one for free.
But if I order something that I just plain don't like, and there's nothing actually wrong with it, then that's my fault for ordering it.
But yeah, I agree that if they **** up your order, that they ought to give you something else for free. I treat freaking McDonalds the same way. If McDonalds or Taco Bell ****s up my order, I take it back and get it fixed. Politeness isn't an issue when you're paying money. If I'm paying money for ANYTHING and they **** it up, I'm not going to simply bite my tongue just in order to not offend them. We're not friends, it's a business and I'm the customer. I paid money, they ****ed up my order, so they need to do it over again and do it right.
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