Batman would win. Spiderman is cool and all, and i appreciate his intelligence, but the reality is that Spiderman gets where he is due to his special abilities. Batman is pretty much as optimal as a human being can get without any enhancements. Sure spidey has spider sense, and super agility and wall sticking abilities. But Batman is a master of many different forms of martial arts, he is very intelligent, and he has one advantage that Sipdey doesnt have. Experience. Yes i realize spidey has stopped his share of bad guys so he too has experience, but there are times when its clear that Spiderman is overwhelmed. And in these battles, it is an even playing field. He is facing sumone with special abilities just like himself. Batman on the other hand takes on all sorts of odds with nothing but his human strength, and experience and comes out alive.
Im my opinion, the battle would start out with spiderman kicking batman's butt with his superior strength and agility. Then batman would realize that the environment is spiderman's greatest ally, and thus he would retreat to an open area such as a field with nothing for spidey to latch on. That would even the playing field a bit. Spidey's second asset, his webs is eaily countered with batmans bracer blades. Then comes spideys greatest asset, His spidey sense. Knowing batman he would either make a device to mess up with the spidersense or he would use his many gadgets to start a multi angled attack at the same time. Thus under constant attack, Spidey' S.Sense would be bombarded with warings from all sides, As spidey dodges all these attack, batman will come in with a stun grenade, because he knows that in 1v1 hand to hand combat, he cant possibly best spidey's agility. with Spidey stunned, batman will just tie him up and hang him like a trophy.
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