Just finished watching both of them. Enjoyed them tremendously. I gotta say normally movies are spoiled for me even though nothing about the storyline is revealed, and that is when people overpraise it and I expect something out of this world...these were exceptions...both of these were up there, definitely amongst my top 20 (Ill let it cool off a bit to include them in my fav 10) there wasnt a tiny bit of dissapointment in both of them.
First was 12 Monkeys, then Donnie. Id like to express my thoughts about them, please let me know yours. I havent checked any Wikipedia or other sources where different theories about the movies are studied, thought it was best to put my own logic and hear what yours right after them (without the wiki or the weird
Now I know how much Donnie Darko means to the rest of you guys, this movie is a gem, it strikes you so hard at the end but at the same time brings a smile upon your face, what we human beings are capable to do, and not exclusively referring ability to defy time and space that I'm still positive we are eventually going to, but to save a person's life instead of getting the most of a lifelong ability we have always pondered. Sacrifice... So captivating.
And just to throw it in maggie gyllenhall has got to be the most beautiful girl in the most original way, theres something about her, aaaahhhh. As you may know my judgement about the movie's plot and how it undergoes is still incomplete, I maybe have 3 or 4 theories mainly similar but different in small key points....
12 Monkeys, this is the first terry gilliam movie I've ever seen, and its by far a sure catapult that'll drive me into the rest of his work. I liked the way how he portrayed the feeling of impotence so intensely. Think of it, lets say you are from the future, you are forced to go back to space to save humanity, and everybody thinks your a psycho... adding to that, you didnt arrive to where you were supposed to, instead you are sometime before. Imagine if in fact a significant part of the hobos we see walking in the streets saying smoked up stufff arent really talking shruberries... what if they come from the future, if in the future there was a time machine, would they make use of it? I know that sounds crazy, but what sounded crazy 300 years ago? Flying? Sending an instantaneous message via a wired network? hearing someones voice from far away?... ok maybe Im going to far... as far as the movie's plot and ending goes, I'm still skeptic about it. But Im pretty sure the ponytail guy from HOUSE spread the vaccine there, and as I told ya havent figured how the virus was spread.... thats my theory
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