– Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.)predicted on Thursday thatnone of his Senate colleagues would"have the chance" toread the entire final version of the $790-billionstimulus billbeforethe bill comes up for a final vote in Congress.
"No, I don't think anyone will have the chance to [read the entire bill]," Lautenberg told
The final bill, crafted by aHouse-Senate conference committee,was posted on the Website of the House AppropriationsCommitte late Thurdayin two PDF files.
ThefirstPDF was 424 pages long and the secondPDF was575 pageslong, makingthetotal bill 999 pages long. The House is expected to vote on this 999-page bill Friday, and the Senate either later Friday or Saturday. [Editor's note: The first PDF, as posted on the HouseAppropriations Committee website as of8:20 AM Friday morning, had grown by 72 pages to 496 pages, increasing the length of the total document to 1,071 pages.]
Ofthe several senators that CNSNews.cominterviewed on Thursday, only Sen. George Voinovich (R-Ohio) claimed to have read the entire bill--and he was speaking of the preliminary version that had been approved by the Senate, not the final 999-pageversion thattheHouse-Senate conference committee was still haggling over on Thursday afternoon.
When asked members of both parties on Capitol Hillon Thursday whether they had read the full,final bill, not one member could say, "Yes."
And only one--Voinovich--volunteered that he had actuallyread the version of the bill that had passed the Senate.
What's the rush? Apparently Pelosi is leaving for an 8 day trip to Europe at 6 P.M. tonight. Or maybe some interested parties just wanted the bill rammed through before anyone could take a close look at whatever pet projects got tacked on at the last minute. In any case, I thought it would be nice if my congressmen could read a bill that is spending $787,000,000,000 of taxpayer money. But that's just me.
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