Is it a reasonable solution to the struggles of reasoning cognition? I am about to commit to such a resolution, regardless of your thoughts. If I survive, would like to read your thoughts. Won't be the first drunken suicide on Earth.
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Is it a reasonable solution to the struggles of reasoning cognition? I am about to commit to such a resolution, regardless of your thoughts. If I survive, would like to read your thoughts. Won't be the first drunken suicide on Earth.
A selfish, defeatist act. DrSpongeBull. There is no shame in those who can't be ashamed. Have gun. Cocked. Finger on trigger. Only awaiting verdict.
How to kill yourself like a man.
Seriously though, you should get help, man. I've noticed you're posting in the last few days, in particular that brief sig detailing your alcoholism, split personality and everything in between. It's concerning.
Personally, I don't give a **** if you commit suicide. But ask yourself this: am I taking the easy way out. I think you should lay off the booze and re-evaluate your life.
[QUOTE="DrSponge"]A selfish, defeatist act. di_sgt_barberBull. There is no shame in those who can't be ashamed. Have gun. Cocked. Finger on trigger. Only awaiting verdict.
What's the point of asking us if you say you're not going to change your mind? So you can read our thoughts on it if you survive? If you survive a gunshot wound you're going to have bigger problems than what some guys said on a gaming forum. I'll just say this, whatever you're so depressed over it can probably be put behind you eventually. If you kill yourself you'll be missing out on what the rest of what life has to offer. It may be good, it may be bad, but you will NEVER find out unless you toughen up, and force your way through.
and there is no such thing as "trying to kill yourself" so you wont "survive"and dont have to worry about what we write, and wont get a chance to read it again.!Is it a reasonable solution to the struggles of reasoning cognition? I am about to commit to such a resolution, regardless of your thoughts. If I survive, would like to read your thoughts. Won't be the first drunken suicide on Earth.
How old are you?Famiking21, physically. all of my peers are over 50, being security guards with unspectactular futures. am still here. can't seem to pull trigger. definitely won't now that i'm sober. forigve dramaticism.
Is it a reasonable solution to the struggles of reasoning cognition?
No, when a men struggles for a prize he does not simply destroy the prize as to remove the struggle. It removes the whole purpose of struggling, the whole purpose a prize.
No one else can and won't force you to live your life. You still should deal with the life you're given, and think what you leave behind. Life can be good or bad, but you just have to live and see what it gives you. You should be more spontainius, move to another country, go backpack travelling, have new experiances. Say yes to things you don't like, you just might find something you're searching for and yourself [YESMAN!! =DD]. I know someone who just saves money all the time so he can travel a year or two straight, works again for a while, and travells again. He just couldn't live with he's endless lifecycle of working =P He's found himself. Anyway, Good luck. I'm not gonna say things like "DO IT F4GGOT" like you might hear on some sites made for people with low self esteem and hide behind a anomoust tag. Don't do it. If you're here just for attention, I'm seriously dissapointed, but my "tips" could help someone else. Whatever.
In short: If you're seriously considering about this, just wait a few more years, and try to change your life totally and spontainiously.
Then again, wtf would I know, I'm just eighteen.
If you can't find anything worth living for then what's the point? It's a personal decision.Epak_My thoughts exactly. Still would never do it myself, even though I hate mostly everything at the moment...
Argument 1 against suicide: If one commits suicide, that person dies. Dying means no more candy. Therefore if one wants more candy, do not commit suicide.
This truly is the greatest of all arguements against suicide.
What if the reason for suicide was due to lack of candy! And also, havn't you heard of the Big Top Candy Mountain? Maybe that's were he's going!as had been said many times before.. a permanent solution to a temporary problem. is it worth it?comp_atkinsI've never considered life as a temporary problem that will eventually resolve itself, but I guess that's one way to look at it.
[QUOTE="-Jiggles-"][QUOTE="mindstorm"]Argument 1 against suicide: If one commits suicide, that person dies. Dying means no more candy. Therefore if one wants more candy, do not commit suicide.
This truly is the greatest of all arguements against suicide.
What if the reason for suicide was due to lack of candy! And also, havn't you heard of the Big Top Candy Mountain? Maybe that's were he's going!Committing suicide won't substitute for a lack of candy, however.
The Big Top Candy Mountain is nothing but a child's fantasy, there's no way it could exist on Earth. I've searched for it, trust me.:cry:
Bull. There is no shame in those who can't be ashamed. Have gun. Cocked. Finger on trigger. Only awaiting verdict.[QUOTE="di_sgt_barber"][QUOTE="DrSponge"]A selfish, defeatist act. bigfatcrap
What's the point of asking us if you say you're not going to change your mind? So you can read our thoughts on it if you survive? If you survive a gunshot wound you're going to have bigger problems than what some guys said on a gaming forum. I'll just say this, whatever you're so depressed over it can probably be put behind you eventually. If you kill yourself you'll be missing out on what the rest of what life has to offer. It may be good, it may be bad, but you will NEVER find out unless you toughen up, and force your way through.
QFT just imagine all the great times youd miss out on. sober up (i know its probably easier said than done) and.. uh.. get out and experience the world! it has loads to offer :D learn a new language, travel around.. hook up with hot chicks in every town.. the opportunities are endless! TBH what i just listed sounds ALOT more fun than just lying in a grave for the rest of your life! unless you believe youll join god and all the dead people in heaven.. which you wouldnt have anyway, as suicide is considered a sin (right? i mean, its practically MURDER), and sinner dont go to paradise! i say DO SOMETHING about your life - then in a few years youll look back and laugh at how silly you were! good luck, man :)Seeya later then! EMO!sAndroid17ah dude WTF im ******* tired of these stereotypes **** man, "ooo everyone thats cuts or kills himself is an emo" shutup. Emo is emotional ok, some peoples life's are pointless there for they are sad. Just stop with the emo crap On topic Suicide is stupid.
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