Talk about a way to end a decently good day. Apparently, today, while my dad was out at lunch with his friend (he works from home) the dog walker that his girlfriend hired came to take the dogs out. She took them out back, where there's a small drainage pond. There were ducks out there, and one of the dogs, Scarlet broke free of her collar and chased the ducks out to the pond, then swam out to the middle of the pond and drowned.
When my dad got home from lunch the dog walker was acting hysteric and before she could tell him the news, he saw Scarlet floating out in the pond. He jumped in, got her, swam her back to shore, and wrapped her in a blanket. She's going to a crematorium tonight.
Now, I'm more into bigger digs like my German Shepherd, not Daschunds like Scarlet; but she was a really cool dog. She was friends with my dog (the shepherd, Rex) and practically sisters with my dad's other weiner dog. My dad had it the worst though, cause he had to get her carcass and everything, but my dad's girlfriend, as much as I dislike her, is having a hard time, too. We just got Scarlet 2 months ago.
I guess I'm doing okay, but losing a pet is never easy (except that stupid Beta fish I had when I was 12). I would have a harder time if it were my dog, but she wasn't. Still an awesome dog though. And this event has sort of happened with Scarlet, just never any real harm done. She's slipped out of the collar a couple times before, except those times there were people around to stop her.
I just had to get that off my chest, sorry about the wall of text.
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