A. so than everyone should stop lying especially the government oh wait.... never mind lying to your kids is fine if you are protecting them and having something into believe is a start to a wonderful world. what is the crime in that? that how dreams start.
Yes :|
Don't worry, I'm not going to run around telling kids Santa isn't real (and that's something I'd tell my kids not to do as well). I'm religious and I consider such lying wrong, but not particularily harmful. Just realize that the reverse of that is true too; kids not believing in Santa isn't a tragedy.
So your telling me your never going to lie your kids? being in a religon does not mean you can't lie in fact sometime the lie is better than the truth cause a child my not understand the truth. i doubt your goign to go around telling other kids santa does not exist, that does not mean your child won't.
C. i Will gladly tell kids santa exist. kids need to be kids.
Sure, but belief in Santa isn't an integral part of childhood.
its as much as a child being born, raise etc... if your going to celbriate the holiday it can be used for good if you don't abuse it.
also not to metion when i was little we would go to our friends house and someone would dress up as santa and come see us. and give us presents and gifts. it was a cool thing
i love it. not to metion teh fun of the holiday. making cookies with your kids, talking about reindeers, etc.... not to metion going to the mall to tell santa want you want. it show that someone listen to a CHILD. and he should be listen.
Most of my memories are about holiday decorating, sitting down with my Mom and sis to read Matthew, the extended family getting together, etc. There are plenty of rosy memories for a non-santa christmas; he's not the focus of the holiday.
the part of the holiday is to get the family togather that all its about, kids can understand fun and advtanges with beleive in santa if tehy won't to. if they don't that the kid choice but i say it again its part of the tradtion. your going to lie again than you know. its part of going up. i know i will be lying plenty more times. hack you got to lie to get a job most of the time.
Would anyone be horrified to know I don't plan on telling my kids that the Tooth fairy is real either :o
Sorry for double post but its not letting me copy with mouse or keyboard.
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