This is a single question test, however the question is important! it will determine if you are a good or a bad person.
Just scroll the text slowly, read it carefully ok? no skipping.
The question will be asked at the end of the text, dont skip the text or you wont understand the question.
Here goes:
you are in the middle of the jungle.
the amazon, to be more precise.
you are in the middle of a chaos
produced by an inundation
unstoppable rain
and you are a CNN reporter
in the middle of this disaster
the situation couldn't get any worse...
you are trying to take the most stunning pictures ever for the channel.
the inundation ravages everything around you.
you see the waters taking people away.
and then....
you see an all-terrain car...
the passengers are attempting to escape death from the water, stones and the mud...
they come closer...
they look like important persons....
and you recognize them:
Bush, Osama, Chavez, Castro, hitler saddan, zelaya, pinochet....
the wrath of the river is about to kill them
now you have 2 choices: save them, or take a pic!
so, which one would it be? save their lifes? or take a pulitzer-winner pic?
which will show the death of the most controversials men to the world!
(answer the question with sincerity pls)
Take the pic with or without flash?
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