The Adventures of Mortal Banana (& Friends) Elder 1: He chose to seal his death quietly, or at least as quiet as can be. Elder 2: He knew what he was doing, and despite this, perhaps even to laugh in the face of death itself, he acted upon his instincts. Elder 3: A mere mortal can not match up to the awe-rific power of thor, especially not a mortal banana. That is incedulous, banana blaspehmy.... Elders 1 & 2: Blananasphemy Cherry Cobbler: But he was a friend to those that cared about him, a delicious friend that always knew how to mix things up *giggle* Grape Soda: HOT **bleep** CHERRY COBBLER! YOU NAAAAASTY! FO SHO! Elder 3: ORDER ORDER IN THIS PANTRY! *footsteps* Elder 3: Egads... A TYRONASAURAHUMAN!!!!! Elders 1 & 2: EVERYBODY PANIC!!!!! Cherry Cobbler: OMG THE TYRONASAURAHUMAN IS OPENING THE PANTRY DOOR! Grape Sode: HOT **bleep**! *Pantry door opens and a fat man dressed in a dirtied mechanic uniform stands gazing into the pantry, on his name tag it says... Ron* Ron: Hmm... What am I going to have for breakfast this morning. Oh mah GAWD! Is that cherry cobbler? *munch munch munch*
Grape Soda: **bleep** foo' looks like cherry cobbler got **bleep**ED UP! Elder 1: The prophecy must be revealed Elder 2: You see Grape Soda there is something we have ne revealed about the Lost Mortal Banana Grape Soda: Oh son, I know all about the fool. Yeah that sucka be the uh, what you guys call it? The chosen one revealed by the prophecy. I got the down low, so why don't you sucka's hustle and flow out of my face. I'm Grape Soda **bleep**! Elder 3: SILENCE! No Grape Soda the Lost Mortal Banana was not the chosen one. You see... YOU ARE THE CHOSEN ONE! Grape Soda: oh... my... GASP! Box of Fruit Roll Ups: Hey guys, how are you! it's me Fruit Roll Ups, how's everything going? I am fabulous thanks for inquiring! Grape Soda, your can is tarnished let me get that for you. *Box of Fruit Roll Ups starts to whipe Grape Soda down* Grape Soda: O_O ... GET OF ME FOOL! I OUGHTA smack you in yo tooty fruity **bleep**! Aint neva seen some coler on a can before!? **bleep**! Elder 1: Grape Soda, you must lead the prophecy. Elder 2: It is your destiny to lead the pantry rebellion. Elder 3: Then one day Grape Soda... *Elder 2 & 3 look at eachother* Elder 1: Oh God... Don't. Elder 2 & 3: You will rule over the pantry! Grape Soda: ... BALLIN'! Elder 1 (whispering to 2 & 3): Hey guys can I talk to you for a minute? Yeah um... You know I hate when you both say something at the same time. I mean it just, it just- Elder 2: Don't be such a party pooper. Elder 3: Oh 2 c'mon, no need to be mean... It's obviously he just feels left out. Elder 2: Aww cute. Grape Soda: Sowhatdoidonow?
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