GWAR, especially back when they had Slymenstra Hymen and Sleazy P. Martini. Morbid Angel as well.flatus
I saw GWAR with The Casualties on Devil's Night in 2010. Still the CRAZIEST concert I have ever been to. GWAR REALLY knows how to put on one HELL of a show!
Anyways I have to mention what is probably the most criminally underappreciated live performance of all-time.
Dead Kennedys-Pull My Strings
Unfortunately they don't have the video for this (or at least I can't find it), but the music is incredible and the backstory surrounding it all makes it beyond epic.
First off, you might notice how they seem to be playing a different song in the beginning. That is the song that the people running the awards show they were performing at WANTED them to play. The show was basically trying to force them to play that song (which is a FANTASTIC song in itself. Tis California Uber Alles) and they weren't happy about it.
Second thing: They freaking wrote this song JUST FOR THE SHOW! They NEVER PLAYED THIS SONG AGAIN!
Thirdly, notice their shirts in the picture? They came out with shirts with big S's on them, and then once they started the song they were gonna actually play, they flipped ties from behind their back over the S to make dollar signs.
Fourthly, Can you hear that guitar solo starting at 3:33? Holy crap that is one of the most orgasmic solos I have heard in my LIFE!
It seriously has to be the most punk thing ever and I LOVE IT!!! I would seriously kiss someone if they could show me the video footage of that song...
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