Ok, here's the deal. So there is this 13 year old kid in Texas. He goes and he steal his dad's credit card. And if that wasn't cool enough, he goes off orders a couple of hookers and buys an Xbox 360. WINNAR! Now, I'm sure people will come here and **** and moan saying stuff like "Wait! That's bad! That kid is teh evil!". To which I say, STFU, your jealous. Unfotunatly, some lame workers at the hotel this kid was at ratted him out. When the cops showed up, they also found $3000 in cash from a World of Warcraft tournament that the kid had recently won. MORE WIN! The only thing that deducts some points from this kid's win-o-meter is that he said he would rather play Xbox than get down to the nitty gritty with the hookers. Way to be lame. He told the cops his dad wouldn't mind because he didn't get a birthday present this year. The dad later reveled that he had a surprise trip to Disneyland planned. **** that. Hookers & Xbox>Disneyland
If you don't believe me, screw you. Click this.
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