I thought it was good, but didnt like the lack of charachter development with The Joker that Tim Burton's version of Batman had. Gary Oldman was given a bigger role which I liked because he is a great actor.
What do you think?
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It was definently one of the top 3 movies of the summer.
But I don't think it' the god send everyone makes it out to be.
Ledger's death probably just gave the movie that edge.
Ledger's death probably just gave the movie that edge.Infinite-Zr0I don't see why it's like that for some people. To me, that just brings the movie down.
It was too long for one. They could have removed the overseas stuff and trimmed the fat off of certain parts and made it easily 30 minutes shorter. Its almost hard to watch when The Joker isnt on screen but excellent when he is.
I guess its a case of something being less than the sum of its parts.
its the greatest action film i have ever seen, and yet its so much more. the film is a instant classic, the imdb rating was a little ott but the film dose not deserve to be shrugged off as over-hyped, it was a masterpiece.
AND the films NOT just "the joker" the camera work was flawless, every shot nailed perfectly. You remeber the film becouse of the acting, but its not what makes it a flawless cinema experience
Yes, and I also loved Batman Begins. It would've been a really good movie even without Ledger, but he puts that special ingredient in the movie that makes it THAT MUCH better.
Also no one really knows the true backstory of the Joker; even the comic version is precise.
Have you seen the recent films that have come out lately? I dare you to compare The Dark Knight to a single other movie that has come out this year.
The main reason that this film received so much hype was undoubtedly because this was not only Heath Ledger's final movie, but arguably his best.
That, and the fact that this film is great for a number of other reasons: the script, the actors, the costumes, everything.
The movie isn't perfect. But no movie really is. As far as I'm concerned this was one of the most important movies I've gotten a chance to see in a long time. That wasn't Heath up there. It was the Joker.
As for the character build up, compared to the original, no it didn't have the same history story to him. But at the same time, that's what makes his character so great. We see him come out of seemingly nothing and go from nobody to one of the most feared people in the city through his careful creation of his destruction and thought. He takes out almost every important mobster in the film, and even without them, retains the air of a professional psychopath and we see this in the film in almost every scene he is in. Even though he so elusively negates the fact that he ever planned anything. That's what makes this film so great. It challenges us to think in a different way about a lot of things.
Not only does this film succeed in terms of a "superhero" movie, it succeeds in ways that most people couldn't have imagined.
I'd like to point out the fact that yes, I'm a huge Batman fan. I have been ever since I was a child. I don't think every movie or series inspired by Batman has been that great. But there are noticeable ups to his history, both cinematically and in a graphic sense. This is one of them.
I loved The Dark Knight. Everybody turned in a high quality performance. (Except Maggie but that's because I didn't really like the character) Some scenes were really unpredictable too. You really didn't know what would happen next.
But still, some people praising it as the "greatest movie ever made" kind of annoys me. While a great film, it doesn't really deserve that. I'd say give it a year or two until the hype dies down and double check if you think it's the best movie you've ever seen.
Met all the hype for me. It's in my top 3 movies of all time. Though I think this movie means a lot more to a Batman fan than to a non-Batfan. We could appreciate Heath Ledger's Joker that much more. We could sit back and watch Batman's and Joker's "working relationship" really develop. The Rise and Fall of Harvey Dent was much better to someone who appreciated the character more. To see Batman/Bruce Wayne nearly loose it when interrogating the Joker and how depressed he was when [spoiler] Rachael died [/spoiler] made much more of an impact on a Batfan.
So, bottom line.
Batfan: 11/10
non batfan 8/10
You cant have character development with Nolans Joker, if you knew anything about his past, if you had any clue as to why he was the way he was its ruins the whole point of this Joker, what made this Joker so great was that as far as anyone knows, the only reason he is so crazy and maniacal is just the fact that he loves to cause mayhem, its not some deep seeded hate for his dad, or having a messed up life, he is just some random guy out to destroy Gotham.
Also I think it defiantly lived up to the hype, and more so. It was the best film of the year, and one of my favorite films of all time. It was just great all around, the writing, characters, acting, story, just so well done. Not to mention Nolan took Batman, a superhero comic book film and turned it into an epic crime drama that I say can hold its own against Heat, The Untouchables and The Godfather.
As for Ledgers performance, he was amazing, adn those who say people only went to see it for Ledgers last performance have not watched the news or been online to read the fact that it is soon to be the second higest grossing film of all time...why? Because people keep going back because it is so good, not just because they want to see Ledgers last performance.
It met the hype; my hype, at least. It really couldn't have gotten much better but it's still overrated; the people who think it's the best movie ever need to see more movies...super_mario_128
well i think its one of, if not the best movie of all time...and I have seen alot of movies, trust me,I have my top 110 in my blog lol, and this holds the top spot because I personally cant think of any film to movie above it.
[QUOTE="super_mario_128"]It met the hype; my hype, at least. It really couldn't have gotten much better but it's still overrated; the people who think it's the best movie ever need to see more movies...SaintLeonidas
well i think its one of, if not the best movie of all time...and I have seen alot of movies, trust me,I have my top 110 in my blog lol, and this holds the top spot because I personally cant think of any film to movie above it.
It's 9th on my list, but it's one of those movies that will shift off the list if I kept remaking one... Also, it's only there because of Heath Ledger, to be honest, he made it as good as it was, in my opinion...
I thought it was amazing. One of the best films I've ever seen.
And let me be clear. I had zero hype. I don't even like superhero movies. But Dark Knight blew me away. Bloody amazing mix of action and story. Excellent direction, and acting from an awesome cast.
I've seen it twice in the cinema and can't wait for the DVD!
It played out more like a crime drama than a superhero movie, and it didn't have a happy ending. That's what separates from the rest of the superhero movies. But I still like superhero movies :DI thought it was amazing. One of the best films I've ever seen.
And let me be clear. I had zero hype. I don't even like superhero movies. But Dark Knight blew me away. Bloody amazing mix of action and story. Excellent direction, and acting from an awesome cast.
I've seen it twice in the cinema and can't wait for the DVD!
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