Before I pull this apart. Yes the Dark Knight is overrated, it is hardly the best film ever made from any stand point, and I didn't even think it was the best film out this year.
Now onto business.
Honestly I think I'd have to give it a 5/10 and I'm a big Batman fan.
First of all Heath Ledger's Joker is not The Joker. Jack Nicholson was the closest you can get to the real Joker.
Actually Jack Nicholson just played himself and was in fact very little like the Joker. Ledger was closer, that said, everyone knows Mark Hamill is the best Joker.
As a matter of fact, Jim Carrey would probably have done a great joker. I don't get that casting choice.
No, he would have just been a less seriousversion of Jack Nicholson, for the direction Christopher Nolan was aiming to take he would have been inappropriate as the Joker.
Don't get the Harvey Dent choice. In Batman The Animated Series and in the comics, Harvey Dent has black hair, he's not some blonde squid. Perfect casting choice here would have been The Rock.
Oh dear God you cannot be serious. Firstly, blond hair adds to the idea of "the White Knight", secondly the blond hair makes him a complete juxtaposition to Batman himself.
Christian Bale is a good choice for Batman (personally I'd have preferred Keanu Reeves a lot more), but they made him sound like a raspy old man. what gives, that is just terrible.
Keanu Reeves? Is this thread a joke?
And the plot it was OK, nothing out of the ordinary, should have moved away from the threaten the family/friends thing to more of a Batman vs. Villain type deal. (I mean where they actual fight, not where they play these stupid mind games about who's gonna make the next move, if I wanted to see that I would watch Chess The Movie)
While I agree that the story was indeed generic... more action wouldn't have made it better. Action is often the lowest common denominator in these films, I'd rather have a richer experience, which I gained from the Dark knight than just two guys hitting each other for 2 hours.
So this would have been the best Batman movie. Batman- Keanu Reeves, Joker- Jim Carrey, Harvey Dent- The Rock, Robin- Shia LeBeouf.
That is an appalling cast for any film... Shia LeBeouf and The Rock in one film?The world would explode if so much turd collided.
Basically, there is much more to making a film good than acting and story. Creative decisions often have reasons behind them.
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