The DMV can eat a banana ! It took me almost a year to pass my truck's smog, that would have passed in all 49 states, but California laws are so extreme, i had to pay almost 2K to pass it. Then one week after passing it, and getting a ticket by Chp for not having a sticker, while driving it to the smog shop, with a DMV permit, i still got a ticket. Then one week later i get a registration renewal ? I call DMV, they said it was automatically send, so don't worry about it. Now a two months later, i get a late notice of $71 dollars, plus the registration renewal, wtf ! I call and now they say i owe them even more, and that i must pay attention to the dates because it is due. SOB's ! Have you guys had any issues with DMV offices ? What a pain in the rear. Grrrrrrr !
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