I just lost the last suitcase of my clothes and a roof over my head 20 minutes ago. I went back to the apartment lounge I was hiding out in over the last 2 weeks and found that the cleaners found them hidden behind the chair and took them to the campus police. One of them pointed me out to another woman from afar as I was leaving, so I know the jig is up and I can't sleep there tonight. If I go there and try to get it back, I'll get locked up for tresspassing.
All I have now is the clothes on my back and a couple spares in my bag. After a year of sneaking in empty library rooms and labs at night to sleep and having them found out and locked up one after another, I now have absolutely nowhere to sleep. I can't call home since I'm not on good terms with my parents and haven't spoken with them in 2 years.
I was never really sociable due to shyness in life, most of the few friends have long since graduated and I know nobody else on campus. I was too ashamed to go to advisors and professors for help all these years, so now my slightly dishevled apparance probably makes me look like some kind of weed addicted burnout miscreant in their eyes, even though it's just sheer tiredness from only being able to sleep 4 hours a night in a crooked chair when I'm sure absoluetly everyone in the hallway has gone to sleep without noticing me.
Oh yeah, I am - or was- an international student and I ALSO lost my passport and F1/ I20 somewhere inbetween the places I've been forced to chenge over the last few weeks, and I have lost all hope of recoivering it. The last real job I had was an intership I got as a freshman nearly 5 years ago. I can't work in the U.S. because I lost my papers (F1, Social Security card) and my work permit expired 2 years ago.
Only thing I'm good at with my hobby is music production and I can't sell my music to anybody. I can't talk to girls whatsoever, in any fashion. I've been frightened of it my entire life. I was pretty sheltered growing up so I didn't really go to parties, or talk to anyone in secondary school as such. I HATE THAT CRAP. I am 26 years old and am ashamed of myself.
Even my cousin, who I paid money to come to the States to attend college here, has long stopped talking to me, so I can't go to HIM for help. I've always tried to walk through life carefully, even prosperously, but with leaving no footprints behind. Now I'm completely freaking lost.
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