Well despite New Zealand being the best thing since sliced bread (and trust me it is) there are one or two things wrong. First of all our ozone layer sucks, if you go outside on a summer day without thick slathering of sunscreen you're going to get burnt. Our internet, telecommunications and game release dates suck, our school system sucks (seriously NCEA is just plain stupid) and despite what you may see advertised we are just plain boring. I live in Christchurch and I'm telling ya there's positively nothing to do on a friday night apart from going out and getting trashed.
Oh and dairy products costs more here than they do over seas. What the hell?
Sounds pretty lame to me? You didn't mention any positive things, but i would say your country is pretty beautiful.. I've seen a lot of pictures, pretty cool..
Well I did say that New Zealand is the best thing since sliced bread didn't I. Okay positive things... let me see.
We are a very pretty country indeed, the people are really laid back, good natured and honest, there's a beach within 10 kilometers of most places, the night skies are really clear and we have had some great movies made over here.
Overall New Zealand is just a nice and relaxed place to be. Oh and it's way awesomer than Australia.
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