The Happening.....oh boy. M.Knight surely dropped the ball with this one. Personally I thought the premise, was pretty unique. Instead of the usual "Oh noes!!! New Ice-Age" or "ZOMG!!! Floods" scenario we get from these "Green-Movies" Shalamans idea was that the plants were taking a more direct approach and effectively eliminating people.
Well, thats where all my praises for the movie end. WTF was the studio that allowed this crap to be made thinking!? Now first of all, the idea was pretty cool....IN THEORY. Im sorry, but watching wind blow over a field of grass is NOT ominous. In fact its the opposite, its pacific. There are many good movies where the "offender" is never seen, but in this movie, it was just ridiculously boring. There was no visual stimulae. Maybe if they showed some pollen it would have been better. That way we can see the encroaching doom and get the ominous feeling of suspense, but nope...all we had was a bunch of grown ups playing make belief. :|
Now lets table that for a bit. Lets assume that the above problems were solved this movies till has one more glaring is being too kind, "blunt-force" brutally obvious flaw...that sounds more approriate. This movie has the most ridiculous lines in any movie I have ever seen in my life. Whilst watching The Happening, I couldnt help but feel that this movie was made by an autistic man trying to emulate normal human relationships. At first I thought it was Mark Walbergs acting, then I realized that even if it was Denzel, this movie still would have failed! The lines were just ridiculous!I dont even understand how such a script could pass. Alot of the characters' reactions were baffling. Many times I was flabbergasted by the way people chose to deal withthe impending doom. and then wtf was up with the whole "you had dinner with this guy?" aspect of the movie? It was so pointless. Walberg and whats-her-name's (WHN) relationship was so trivial to the movie. And the lack of character development made it feel so out of place. And some of the lines in the movie were borderline criminal:
"Dont take my daughter's hand unless you mean it" - Walberg's friend says it -It was so out of was like he turned all evil and mean for one second. I understand that he was being serious but it came out downright hostile.
When Walberg makes a joke about talking to another woman, or sumthing like that whilst they are walking in a field of was the point? it served no purpose and was just out of the blue!
When the mathematician guy tells the girl to do math problems...ok, wtf...i understand the whole "distraction" tactic, but it felt so tacked on and it just felt out of place.
And did i mention the opening scene? that has to be one of the worst opening scenes in the history of movies. Im not talking about the part where people are jumping off the building, that looked pretty cool, i mean the part with the 2 girls sitting on the bench. Im still not sure if it was bad acting or bad writing or a combo of both, but that scene was painful to watch.
Basically, in conclusion, M.Knight needs to take a break from movies and maybe make some books...atleast until the crack he's smoking wears off. This was probably the worst movie i have seen in the past 5 years...heck I have seen pr0ns with better acting/story/character development than this movie.
What are your thoughts on the actually curious if any of you liked it :P
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