-I'm not saying it actually will. But it's a possibility......because the same thing actually happened to another person. All these girls were "fans". They thought he was "hot" and probably just wanted to get in his pants. But he didn't want to be the person that everyone made him out to be. In other words, he didn't want to be made out as a person that just had teenage girls as fans that didn't care about his music. So he eventually changed his music. It sounded a lot different.
-Apparently he got hate messages also, girls still seemed to just love him for his looks...and that eventually led him to quit. It's a shame....because his music was actually pretty good. It had a lot of meaning. It helped people get through rough times. Here's one of his songs if you want to hear. This was when he changed his music up quite a bit.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zm6i-C0p1Y
-Bieber is going through this same situation, I believe. Very similar situation...although Bieber's music is very different from the guy I was talking about. Bieber's music is actually geared toward teen girls in my opinion. It's very poppy. And his songs don't have meaning at all. I think this will lead to his downfall. His fans...and his haters. Unless Bieber is content with the way he is right now. So yeah....just saying...before you start hating on someone...just think for a minute. You might ruin their lives just because of it. Now you may not care. But what if something similar happened to you? I'm not saying I'm a fan of Bieber. I'm clearly not. But I do not wish to ruin anyone's lives. Anyways, I made my point.
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