So, we've all read/heard about crackpot theories rolling around on the internet, but I may have stumbled upon the most ridiculous one yet.
"The "problem" with what is taught about Earth and all other planets in school is that they are NOT filled with solid rock - they are hollow. Planets have their insides filled with life, usually more than on their external surface. Planets are not just rocks, they are the source of life to those that inhabit them. They have a soul - around and within their bodies.
During the ages, there were always those who knew about planetary hollowness. It is common knowledge to older, wiser Civilizations from other areas of the Universe.
Earth scientists became aware as well, but the knowledge was blocked by the new world order. The governments block this information to the people...
There are entrances to the inside plane of Earth through the poles. The poles are actually holes that go through both sides of the planet, as if a stick had perforated Earth from North to South. The area that can render a compass unusable is located near those poles, and is not a single point but would be close to a circle located on the top and on the bottom of the planet. The circle lies around the "Pole Entrances". This circle area is where the magnetic field lines that surround earth converge on the North and South Pole regions.
Satellite images are modified so that these entrance holes are not shown to the masses.The north entrance is guarded by CIA and military ships. The southern entrance is blocked by ice and has it's access blocked or made further difficult by military bases and patrols.
The planet's inner surface throbs with life and far more life energy than the external one. The reason for this is that the inner Sun, which is what holds the planet energetically together, has direct contact with the beings that live on the inner surface. Usually the outside is less protected and has too much radiation coming from space to keep a healthy level on its surface inhabitants. The inner realm on the other hand has no problems with radiation from space sources/stars because the only source of Light energy in there is the Planet's heart center: a luminous source of heat/Love, Light and Energy to the inner plane.
The inner plane is populated with many races of evolved intelligence and humanoid form, also of large animals such as mammoths and other extinct dinosaurs. The inner inhabitants are concerned with the world situation outside, but are unable to interfere, due to non -interference intergalactic rules. If they openly put their finger on what they constantly watch, then the inside of Earth will be brought into play, and there is no need for further compromising Earth's health."
So OT, what do you think about this civilization inhabiting the inner core of our planet? :P
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