Happiness. (btw this has to do with science, not religion)
If you do not have enough of it, you will contemplate suicide. Whether it be you lost your job, or someone is out to kill you. They ALL result in a loss of happiness. Suicide is the minds natural reaction to sadness. We are almost programed to "terminate" ourselfs if this occurs.
But why terminate?
Because "life" reaches a higher plain (no this is not a religous thing, it's a quantum physics thing). After life, we reach a field of vibrant conciousness. It is here were the "soul" meet's it's purpose. We are just a video game character.. operating at request only to 1 power. The power, who ever it is, whatever it is, holds the purpose to our purpose.
As a Physics major, I'm open to hear your explanation how life reaching a different dimension is related to quantum mechanics.
the idea is that we don't only exist as a body in this limited physical plane of only this existence but that we have other bodies on different vibratory levels that are all connected to this body. its a mix of new age and really oversimplified quantum mechanics. but in the most base of ideas if it were true (that our bodies extended outside of this existence) then the theory could hold true.
ive read a bit of both the ideas behind it, the new age supporters of it and some of the basics of quantum mechanics. im not a college major by any means but in an incredibly highly theorized sense it could be possible. now all they have is the burden of scientific proof using sciences that aren't completely understood yet.
This seems more like metaphysics and philosophy rather than actual physics. The concept of "other bodies on different planes on different vibrationary levels" looks like a misintepretation of string theory. Our current theories say that these states are only on atoms and not organic lifeforms, reason being is that organic lifeforms consist of billions if not trillions of atoms. The probability of having exact duplicates of an individual in a "perfect form" (ie all of the atoms correctly moved on to this new plane while not being radioactive isotopes or anything like that) is so low that it will probably take billions of years for this to happen, if at all.Quantum Mechanics cannot be simplified. It's a nature of the subject. Schrodinger's Uncertainty Principle is the main culprit why it cannot be simplified.
I can also see that this took an interpretation of the concept of multi-verses where we can have copies of ourselves existing in other universes.
Human consciousness is very philosophical at the moment since we're not really sure as to why consciousness forms. This is because we are using brains to study the brain. We need something higher than a human brain in order to understand it.
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