You wouldn't live long in the medieval era. I think you'd prefer boring over the possibility of constant death.
There was no concept of individual human rights. It simply didn't exist.
The church ruled your life who knows maybe it still does at least now you can choose not to let it.
You know how monkeys sit and pick bugs off each other ? This was a common practise in medieval households before bed time.
Peasants lived in mud huts and usually slept on straw floors with their pigs who kept them warm.
They had no concept of crop rotation for farming they reused the same fields and didn't understand why nothing grew, then the local lord would come and punish them, rape their women knock them up, and rob them.
You could die from a scratch, there was no concept of first aid.
Bandages were developed by accident. The normal method for treating someone with a wound was to pour melted wax on the opening. You kept doing this and cut off the parts that festered. During a siege this medic ran out of wax. He decided to use some rags. He noticed that after a week the people with clean rags were surprisingly alive and better off then those with wax. He recorded his findings and tried to put his ideas forth in a medical college and was laughed out.
You were property. You could not travel. If you travelled to another town you'd probably be killed. Strangers brought sickness, and possibly knocking up cousin sister wives or taking them away since inbreeding and rape was rampant in those times.
You'd most likely marry someone within your immediate family. It was common, still is in some parts of the world lol.
In the book The Deeds of Louis the Fat after a battle the King had to retreat from the english, gets lost and asks peasants for directions who make fun of him for claiming to be king, the king had to sleep with his armor on since he maintained his power at the behest of his lords. Louis would die after his face was nicked by an arrow, deeming the wound a scratch it got infected and he died.
Exciting stuff ! yeah not.
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