I posted mine in my thread the other day, here goes:
I was on my way to school for an exam. Having rushed out of my house, my hair was a mess (and it's getting quite long now too). So I stopped quickly to check in this car window and sort it out a bit. The car was outside a church down my road, so I stared into the window, and was about to sort my hair out, until I notcied a woman sitting inside....breastfeeding a baby.
Basically, it looked like I was staring at her breasts. She gave me an awful look and made a shooing action with her hand. I didn't know what to do I was stunned, then I hurried off rather embarresed.
thats terrible XD here is one of my awkward moments, not nearly as bad as the TC/Jon09:
Ok, so it was monday morning in highschool and i had just had a massive party at my friends house that weekend. Anyways, the party ended with me peeing out the window of his 16th floor apartment. So its monday now and im at school sitting in the senior lounge and im re-inacting what happened to sum of my friends who missed the party. im on my knees on the couch(facing the back rest of the couch) holding on with one hand and my other hand on my private area (emulating peeing) and i start shaking my hips (emulating my drunkness (sp?) ). Anyways, as im doing this, the school counselor walks up behind me, and im in the moment..with sound effects and everything. all my friends start laughing and i thought they were laughing at my re-inactment so i went on and started explaining "at this part i was loosing balance so i had to grab on real hard. I almost hit sumone at one point!" then about 30 secs on i realize sumthing is wrong, i turn around and see the counselor just staring. Then she says "(name), could i talk to you for a second?"
I was so scared and everyone was giggling. Luckily she wanted to talk to me about sumthing completely unrelated *phew* but when I was leaving, she made a comment that just had almost killed me with embarrassment, "I wouldnt suggest you having sex like that again...its very dangerous." I was so embarrassed....i could never look her in the eye after that.
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