Well on Friday I was in PE class feeling fine, and we had to do this stupid thing called the pacer test. It's basically counting how many times you can run back and forth in our gym, it's pretty lame but I didn't mind running today. Well out of nowhere, after like the tenth pacer my stomach started hurting like crazy! I tried to man it up, but after five more I knew I needed to find a bathroom fast.
I planned to run out to the bathroom, but half way across the gym I was too late. I felt something fill my pants and saw something dark and brown running down my legs. It smelled insanely awful and EVERYONE saw, the coach yelled at me to go to the bathroom before I s*** the gym again. Afterwards I went to the nurses office and had a temperature of 101 F and was sent home. It was easily the most embaressing thing to EVER happen to me, I honestly don't think I can even go back to school anymore. Does anyone have any advice on what I should do?
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