It may surprise you to learn that I don't care since the original was probably **** as well, therefore I am unphased and can go on with my life.
Pat Morita won best actor and it was nominated for best movie of that year...it could be in the top 25 best movies ever made. This will be a fail movie from even before it comes out due to the stupid title and it not really being a remake in the slightest. Usually when you do a remake, people are named the same, look similar at least, have the same story, ect, ect. Good lord, I need to be a script writer. Im going to pick the most popular movies ever, rewrite them as a remake and totally ruin them in every way imaginable...thats the formula for todays movies. Make is stupid, make everyone hate it from the start and you will profit.
If they were going to make it exactly the same, then what would be the point in doing a remake at all?
Although I do agree that the title is stupid.
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