Mine is my Sega Master System :)
NES....but the oldest console i still play??? my beloved dreamcast...viva la dreamcast!!!(does that mean long live? i don't speak mexican...)
oldest console: NESoldest handheld: gameboy pocket...the very first one, before they added the little red power indicator :wink:
My oldest console is my Sega Megadrive/Genesis which i've had since I was 11. My oldest handheld would be a Nintendo Game Boy from 1989.
Handheld: original GameGear Console: Before my mom accidently sold my Atari 2600 off at a rummage, it was that, but I still do have my NES.
the original grey brick (AKA game boy)got it back in 89 when i was 4dreamachine That's my oldest handheld too. It's older than me. As for console it would be my NES which I don't reawlly know where it is. I know it's somewheres in my house.
My mom and dad have the NES and mine is the N64, and as for the handheld the oldest is I think Gameboy Advance.
oldest console: NESoldest handheld: gameboy pocket...the very first one, before they added the little red power indicator :wink:Ryeferd Wait...even the original gameboy had a power light. Didn't it? :o
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