How is that a cool story?
Not to sound like a jerk, but everyone I know would give me crap about dealing with it like a complete nerd. Not saying anything bad about you, but I wouldn't brag about being a snitch. Its not socially something you really wanna be known for.
you'd rather be known as a testostrone filled monster who wins fights with brute force rather than logical thinking? thats the first time I heard that. It takes guts to do the right thing. Violence isn't the right thing.I've never gotten in a fight that I didn't need to be in, and I've never dealt with it by running to a parent or teacher.
Besides that, I wasn't saying what he did was wrong, but bragging about it? Thats ridiculous.
really running to a parent or teacher? come on man, I mean here a fight is like what ever, you hardly get a warning in my school. But if you actually hurt the guy or drew blood then you'll never hear the end of it. I mean fines, lawsuits and loads of issues (maybe then if you're an idiot in school (low grades ECT.) they'll expell you based on that persons partents.) I mean here he isn't bragging about it he's just saying what he misses in HS. I totally agree that its not something to brag about but running to a teacher migh actually save your family a lot of money and honor (here atleast)
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