[QUOTE="sSubZerOo"][QUOTE="mark4091"][QUOTE="sSubZerOo"][QUOTE="XenoNinja"][QUOTE="sSubZerOo"] [QUOTE="XenoNinja"]Global warming is just a Hoax. mark4091
I am sorry Xeno but how can we take you seriously if the majority of scientists that specialize in Climatology say other wise.. They are far more crediable then you, and have shown evidence to back up their conclusions.
In the end this is like having a gym teacher go against the views of the majority of the doctor community when it comes to a health issue..
Okay, maybe not, but like someone said earlier, it's over exaggerated and blown out of proportion.
Possibly, possibly not. Put it in this perspective. We have these multi billion dollar fossil fuel corporations making oddles of cash.. Its in their best intentions to continue that flow.. Now if some supposed study was released saying that global warmings is happening and mankind is part of the problem.. And that the best solution is to limit fossil fuels, isn't it in the companies best intentions to snuff, discredit, smear, or destroy the claim regardless if its true or not to make profits?
People shouldn't use Al Gore's thing as the facts.. It is merely a ice berg awareness to a larger problem.. People need to read up reports from the science community on it.. Because in the end its the most unbias source of information we have, that really can not be smeared in any way shape or form, because its evidence is done with the highest scrutiny possible.
Please don't be a fool saying the Oil indistry is paying scientists, you can watchone side of the arguement, but to have an opinion on the matter you have to look at the other side http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Great_Global_Warming_Swindle#Claims_made_in_the_film
take a look at claims made in the film.
I know it's wiki, but I have seen the movie and those were in the movie.
Suggest you read that because it goes step by step debunking eveyr major myth that is against Global warming including the majority of the ones stated.. And its from a crediable and reliable site, instead of wikipedia..
Oh really reliable, another great site that like to beat around the bush, and delete comments of those that argue with them
Great call on the wikipedia, even though I mentioned I could vouch for the page, but if you still don't believe me you could watch the video, they're solar warming page also seems quite flawed.
I guess in the end we will se what happens, the whole global warming thing dropped off the charts, and has only risen again today due to good old gore.
.......... Yeah clearly because Global Warmings is synomnous with liberal or bush bashing.. In the end the article gives clear concise reasoning with far more sources and explainations then the Wikipedia site gave me.. And please EXPLAIN to every one here why the MAJORITY, not the MINORITY, of the science community have accepted global warming as fact and have said mankind has had some negative affect on it.. Becuase I am lost here, you guys have given no evidnece what so ever that is either solid or not debunked (which teh article went step by step through EVERY one with sited sources)..
Please explain to us all why you think your "evidence" is some how better when the majority of the science community says other wise and have the data and evidence to back it up?
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