i am confused when people say "I am to the 'American' Right". Whats the difference between the American Right/Left or the UK Right/Left.
and while on this topic, which nation is more "conservative": US or UK?
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All three main parties in the UK are very close to the center, the US is an extremely right wing place, even the democrat party is right wing for Europe.
And no, the left does not mean change,
Left Wing: Large govt, high(er) taxation and will have a much bigger part in peoples lives.
Right Wing: Small govt,Low(er) taxation and a far less extensive welfare state.
Every country have different defintions of left/right, red/blue, liberal/conservative or socialist/moderate.
Take Sweden as an example, the Socialdemocrats are considered to be the second most socialist party but they're actually still capitalists. They ran the country on a modern example of social democracy, basically moderate socialism and an economy that contains both private-owned and state-owned enterprises.
Comparing the politics of two conutries is usually very hard when you go into details.
All three main parties in the UK are very close to the center, the US is an extremely right wing place, even the democrat party is right wing for Europe.
And no, the left does not mean change,
Left Wing: Large govt, high(er) taxation and will have a much bigger part in peoples lives.
Right Wing: Small govt,Low(er) taxation and a far less extensive welfare state.
Actually, left wing means progressiveness whilst right wing means leaning torwards traditional values and, as the_ish said, keeping to the status quo.
[QUOTE="redstormrisen"]Left Wing: Large govt, high(er) taxation and will have a much bigger part in peoples lives.
Right Wing: Small govt,Low(er) taxation and a far less extensive welfare state.
You're right. I was basing it off how I've seen it work in the US.
Meh, its all good revision for me anyway. Got my History AS in a few Days.
There is no political right in the UK anymore, anybody with right wing beliefs is seen as racist or irrational (which is true we should try to find a middle ground) but in the same hypocracy CHUDS like David Cameron single-handedly shift the 2nd biggest party's direction to mimic the so called revolutionary poltics of New Labour (YESSSSS 2 wars and a credit cruch, have a gold star Tony!) which was so blooming left wing that every person at minimum wage has as much possestions as well-off person entirely due to lending and pseudo-cash. Not a good way to run the economy when half the populus are encouraged to spend more than they own. But then again the world will be over for humans by 2053 so enjoy it while it lasts.
A liberal in the UK is somebody who wants to change the way things currently are, a conservative is somebody who thinks change is bad. A conservative is also against taxing the rich and giving to the poor, whereas the liberal is the other way.Kinda like republicans and democrats.
Conservatives; leave it alone. Small government. Let business handle the economy.
Liberals; big government. High taxes, but lots of public services.
Not that big a difference really...
There is no political right in the UK anymore, anybody with right wing beliefs is seen as racist or irrational (which is true we should try to find a middle ground) but in the same hypocracy CHUDS like David Cameron single-handedly shift the 2nd biggest party's direction to mimic the so called revolutionary poltics of New Labour (YESSSSS 2 wars and a credit cruch, have a gold star Tony!) which was so blooming left wing that every person at minimum wage has as much possestions as well-off person entirely due to lending and pseudo-cash. Not a good way to run the economy when half the populus are encouraged to spend more than they own. But then again the world will be over for humans by 2053 so enjoy it while it lasts.
How can you possibly blame the credit crunch on tony blair? :|
Because everything is the govts fault.
Not the banks or anything.
That would be sooooooooooooo far fetched...
Meh, its all good revision for me anyway. Got my History AS in a few Days.
I'm resitting my AS on monday. :P Then i have the A2 on wednesday. WORK. :cry:
I know in the UK things are vastly different, since their parties essentially consist of "Far Left Wing" and "slight less left wing". As for the US, as a republican in the US i can tell you we do, indeed, believe in a smaller government and less taxation (Achieved by the government not needing as much by beeing smaller). On a social level we believe in traditional values. We arent "Technophobes" as some like to stereotype us either, we fund nasa way more than the democrats do and love technological advances, we just dont believe in sacrificing our own morals and traditions as the year on the calendar get's higher. I think you know how conservatives are Economically, Less regulation (But still regulation where needed), very few social programs, no universal healthcare, etc. etc.
As of recent republicans have also taken upon the banter of "Aggressive Foreign Policy". However, do not think that is what republicans have always believed. It is quite literally *not* a party thing. Democrats actually use to be far more aggressive and republicans were more isolationists. That role has reversed, and it could just as easy reverse again, so i try not to pin foreign status on a party basis, it varies from candidate to candidate (look at ron Paul to see a real old-school republican).
Actually, your half right. As a republican in the US i can tell you we do, indeed, believe in a smaller government and less taxation (Achieved by the government not needing as much by beeing smaller). On a social level we believe in traditional values. We arent "Technophobes" as some like to stereotype us either, we fund nasa way more than the democrats do and love technological advances, we just dont believe in sacrificing our own morals and traditions as the year on the calendar get's higher. I think you know how conservatives are Economically, Less regulation (But still regulation where needed), very few social programs, no universal healthcare, etc. etc.
As of recent republicans have also taken upon the banter of "Aggressive Foreign Policy". However, do not think that is what republicans have always believed. It is quite literally *not* a party thing. Democrats actually use to be far more aggressive and republicans were more isolationists. That role has reversed, and it could just as easy reverse again, so i try not to pin foreign status on a party basis, it varies from candidate to candidate (look at ron Paul to see a real old-school republican).
I'm fairly sure he was talking about the UK... :P
[QUOTE="jointed"][QUOTE="redstormrisen"]All three main parties in the UK are very close to the center, the US is an extremely right wing place, even the democrat party is right wing for Europe.
And no, the left does not mean change,
Left Wing: Large govt, high(er) taxation and will have a much bigger part in peoples lives.
Right Wing: Small govt,Low(er) taxation and a far less extensive welfare state.
Actually, left wing means progressiveness whilst right wing means leaning torwards traditional values and, as the_ish said, keeping to the status quo.
Actually, your half right. As a republican in the US i can tell you we do, indeed, believe in a smaller government and less taxation (Achieved by the government not needing as much by beeing smaller). On a social level we believe in traditional values. We arent "Technophobes" as some like to stereotype us either, we fund nasa way more than the democrats do and love technological advances, we just dont believe in sacrificing our own morals and traditions as the year on the calendar get's higher. I think you know how conservatives are Economically, Less regulation (But still regulation where needed), very few social programs, no universal healthcare, etc. etc.
As of recent republicans have also taken upon the banter of "Aggressive Foreign Policy". However, do not think that is what republicans have always believed. It is quite literally *not* a party thing. Democrats actually use to be far more aggressive and republicans were more isolationists. That role has reversed, and it could just as easy reverse again, so i try not to pin foreign status on a party basis, it varies from candidate to candidate (look at ron Paul to see a real old-school republican).
I was talking about the UK, but I've got no problem with discussing the universial term since it's basically the same.
Right wing does not = less taxation and smaller government, fascism is a great example of this. You determine a party's or individual's place on the political spectrum by looking at their fundamental ideas, not on the means to get there.
[QUOTE="hongkingkong"]There is no political right in the UK anymore, anybody with right wing beliefs is seen as racist or irrational (which is true we should try to find a middle ground) but in the same hypocracy CHUDS like David Cameron single-handedly shift the 2nd biggest party's direction to mimic the so called revolutionary poltics of New Labour (YESSSSS 2 wars and a credit cruch, have a gold star Tony! and Brown...) which was so blooming left wing that every person at minimum wage has as much possestions as well-off person entirely due to lending and pseudo-cash. Not a good way to run the economy when half the populus are encouraged to spend more than they own. But then again the world will be over for humans by 2053 so enjoy it while it lasts.
How can you possibly blame the credit crunch on tony blair? :|
Sorry, edited for fairness
[QUOTE="Tolwan"][QUOTE="jointed"][QUOTE="redstormrisen"]All three main parties in the UK are very close to the center, the US is an extremely right wing place, even the democrat party is right wing for Europe.
And no, the left does not mean change,
Left Wing: Large govt, high(er) taxation and will have a much bigger part in peoples lives.
Right Wing: Small govt,Low(er) taxation and a far less extensive welfare state.
Actually, left wing means progressiveness whilst right wing means leaning torwards traditional values and, as the_ish said, keeping to the status quo.
Actually, your half right. As a republican in the US i can tell you we do, indeed, believe in a smaller government and less taxation (Achieved by the government not needing as much by beeing smaller). On a social level we believe in traditional values. We arent "Technophobes" as some like to stereotype us either, we fund nasa way more than the democrats do and love technological advances, we just dont believe in sacrificing our own morals and traditions as the year on the calendar get's higher. I think you know how conservatives are Economically, Less regulation (But still regulation where needed), very few social programs, no universal healthcare, etc. etc.
As of recent republicans have also taken upon the banter of "Aggressive Foreign Policy". However, do not think that is what republicans have always believed. It is quite literally *not* a party thing. Democrats actually use to be far more aggressive and republicans were more isolationists. That role has reversed, and it could just as easy reverse again, so i try not to pin foreign status on a party basis, it varies from candidate to candidate (look at ron Paul to see a real old-school republican).
I was talking about the UK, but I've got no problem with discussing the universial term since it's basically the same.
Right wing does not = less taxation and smaller government, fascism is a great example of this. You determine a party's or individual's place on the political spectrum by looking at their fundamental ideas, not on the means to get there.
Actually i was talking about the US, i wasnt aware you were talking about the UK. I will edit my post accordingly.
in US: conservative = less gov't spending / smaller governement UNLESS you decide to invade another nation under the false pretense of "protecting freedoms" then you get a 2 trillion dollar war, a 9+ trillion dollar national debt, detroyed housing economy, runaway commodity prices and overall unhappiness. conservatism FTW!
in US: conservative = less gov't spending / smaller governement UNLESS you decide to invade another nation under the false pretense of "protecting freedoms" then you get a 2 trillion dollar war, a 9+ trillion dollar national debt, detroyed housing economy, runaway commodity prices and overall unhappiness. conservatism FTW!
Um, what? The Housing Economy is crashing because people are taking out loans they can't actually pay back, it has quite literally *nothing* to do with the government what-so-ever. Dont just try and take everything bad and then blame it on the government, doesnt work like that. Furthermore, high prices for most commodities are rising because of Gas Prices, also not the fault of the gov't. We use gas to produce and transport most goods, which results in higher prices. (And i think the increased use of Ethanol as of late has also contributed to rising food prices).
[QUOTE="comp_atkins"]in US: conservative = less gov't spending / smaller governement UNLESS you decide to invade another nation under the false pretense of "protecting freedoms" then you get a 2 trillion dollar war, a 9+ trillion dollar national debt, detroyed housing economy, runaway commodity prices and overall unhappiness. conservatism FTW!
Um, what? The Housing Economy is crashing because people are taking out loans they can't actually pay back, it has quite literally *nothing* to do with the government what-so-ever. Dont just try and take everything bad and then blame it on the government, doesnt work like that. Furthermore, high prices for most commodities are rising because of Gas Prices, also not the fault of the gov't. We use gas to produce and transport most goods, which results in higher prices. (And i think the increased use of Ethanol as of late has also contributed to rising food prices).
I don't really want to get involved in this arguement but government can discourage people to take out loans by raising the interest rates. In the UK this is the MPC's job dunno bout the US though.
I know in the UK things are vastly different, since their parties essentially consist of "Far Left Wing" and "slight less left wing". As for the US, as a republican in the US i can tell you we do, indeed, believe in a smaller government and less taxation (Achieved by the government not needing as much by beeing smaller). On a social level we believe in traditional values. We arent "Technophobes" as some like to stereotype us either, we fund nasa way more than the democrats do and love technological advances, we just dont believe in sacrificing our own morals and traditions as the year on the calendar get's higher. I think you know how conservatives are Economically, Less regulation (But still regulation where needed), very few social programs, no universal healthcare, etc. etc.
As of recent republicans have also taken upon the banter of "Aggressive Foreign Policy". However, do not think that is what republicans have always believed. It is quite literally *not* a party thing. Democrats actually use to be far more aggressive and republicans were more isolationists. That role has reversed, and it could just as easy reverse again, so i try not to pin foreign status on a party basis, it varies from candidate to candidate (look at ron Paul to see a real old-school republican).
That's not really right either. :? It's not far left wing at all; both major parties have been criticised for basically becoming centrist, catch-all parties which dont want to take a hard line on anything for fear of losing votes.
[QUOTE="Tolwan"]I know in the UK things are vastly different, since their parties essentially consist of "Far Left Wing" and "slight less left wing". As for the US, as a republican in the US i can tell you we do, indeed, believe in a smaller government and less taxation (Achieved by the government not needing as much by beeing smaller). On a social level we believe in traditional values. We arent "Technophobes" as some like to stereotype us either, we fund nasa way more than the democrats do and love technological advances, we just dont believe in sacrificing our own morals and traditions as the year on the calendar get's higher. I think you know how conservatives are Economically, Less regulation (But still regulation where needed), very few social programs, no universal healthcare, etc. etc.
As of recent republicans have also taken upon the banter of "Aggressive Foreign Policy". However, do not think that is what republicans have always believed. It is quite literally *not* a party thing. Democrats actually use to be far more aggressive and republicans were more isolationists. That role has reversed, and it could just as easy reverse again, so i try not to pin foreign status on a party basis, it varies from candidate to candidate (look at ron Paul to see a real old-school republican).
That's not really right either. :? It's not far left wing at all; both major parties have been criticised for basically becoming centrist, catch-all parties which dont want to take a hard line on anything for fear of losing votes.
Excuse my terminology. I'm describing it from an American perspective, in which you are in fact "Far left, and not so far left". Essentially, all parties lying on the left side of the spectrum in compairson to American politics. That's all i meant.
Again, gunna have to disagree there. I think letting big businesses and banks do whatever the heck they want to the point of craziness, joining a war which is hotly disputed, trying to get 90 day arrests without charge against terrorists and suggesting that every legal citizen has an ID card for national security = not so left wing.
No party in the UK is left or right any more. Except maybe the liberal democrats (but they're useless anyway...). The two major parties are literally dead centre and adopt completely different ideological approaches depending on what they're dealing with.
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