It's that... very rarely in Middle-East societies, key note Saudi Arabia, do they allow discussion of Islam. That is, debating what is halal and haram (allowed or taboo, respectively). Such as I don't know, why dancing isn't really allowed.
Or more importantly, the real issue: why women and men aren't equal: why it's not allowed to hang out with women, to... ugh, I'm just saying basic interactions with the opposite sex.
I don't know about anyone else, but I know I can keep my basic primal instincts in check.
The thing is, I look at Western society and I cannot help but see why this will never change: With your strip clubs and nightclub alcohol dancing and teenage pregnancy and STD's and all manner of other crap, there's no way the hypocrites in charge will relent from preaching how men and women must not be together. Where some college classes actually have segregation of the sexes.
I mean, me and my friends would joke about how embarrassing it would be on our wedding night: the minister would pronounce us "husband and wife" and then proceed to tell us how to have sex or something. Because you know, sexual education and basic human anatomy is actually not even covered in schools (there are SOME, few exceptions). Frickin aye. So we'd like get a crash course on "what to do" by the guy. Just a little joke me and my friends would make (among others)
This is the thing: Most Westerners insist on saying stuff like just because others abuse such and such, doesn't mean we can't have fun! It's alright in moderation! However in Islam, we deal with absolutes, not this wishy-washy material: Alcohol is bad, that's it. Narcotic abuse is bad, that's it. Murder, rape, gambling all those things are wrong and that's it: there is no grey area in this matter, and I think it is rightfully so.
Another thing: Westerns aren't much about building a community and looking out for each other. Basically, the common consensus is: let "them" do what they want, I don't care as long as it's not affecting me. But in Islam, we do not leave it up to the individual and hope that they will abstain from drugs and alcohol and other stuff. If you're a Muslim you do your best in this life by praying to God and living your life to the fullest, whether it be studying the Sciences or computer engineering or any other job and career.
^^ Now whether this is right or not... I know that as Muslims, we are brothers and everyone has each other's back. We pay money to the poor and help out in any way we can.
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