Jack Thompson's Sandwich Brothers - If you cant beat them join them!
"magical bear factory" - :o
Dance Dance Hoedown in the Hood - :s
Fabulous Nazi of Might and Magic - :o there magic now!
First-Person Bubblegum Wars - I bet it blows
Yoshi's Prison Experience - Yoshi! How could you! :cry:
Black Surgery Maxx - :lol: segregation
Fantastic Fishing on Wheels - sounds AAA
Australian punching sisters- :lol:
Master Chief's Turtle Throwdown -throw em turtles!
Fantasy Pirate For Kids - ok there....
Virtual Sex Base - :lol:
Panzer Internet Rage - I think I played this! :o
Russian Military World Cup - Why is this not out!? AAA title man!
Shady Nazi Brawl -I hope they have Goebbels in this one like they did in melee! Hes Top Tier!
Jack Thompson's Mushroom Blaster - Weapons of mass destruction! :o Thompson has them!!!
Super Sexy Piano in the Magic Kingdom - :lol:
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