Greed: Medium Gluttony: Medium Wrath: Low Sloth: High Envy: Very Low Lust: Medium Pride: Medium In summation, I'm a lazy c***. Yeah, that sounds about right.kamikaze_pigmy
So does that mean you hate yourself since you rated your slothiness as the worst sin?For me:
Greed: High
Gluttony: Low
Sloth: Low
Envy: Medium but by barely. Really Jealousy is the high part here and envy can be good as it makes you strive for something better but that's not an option so it gets a medium I suppose.
Lust: Medium only if it leads to cheating and adultery. Otherwise, go get some.
Pride: Medium. Again I know it's referring to the bad pride of arrogance but I like the having pride in something you do or yourself, just not to take it to the level of ignoring advice because you're too good to listen.
Anger: Medium if it leads you to do something stupid. Damn those idiot stupid mother effers. They really tick me off and get me bent.
In summation, it's ok to be a lazy slob of indulgence and eating. I'll only envy you if you have a nice house and car but not be jealous. I'll continue my lust of hot women if I'm single and will take pride in myself but not be overly prideful and not listen to others. We all shouldn't get as mad as we do about stupid things but sometimes it's necessary. Just don't be a greedy bast#$%.
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