Ok, so a little background here. This was back when AIM was big, 04-05 is when this took place.
Back then i was on aim a lot, talking to my friends and such. But i would also talk to girls(shocking i know). Back in the aim days, you built up your buddy list by getting people to send you their buddy list. So when i saved my original buddy list, there were people i never met on it. So as i would talk to girls early on, there was this one i would talk to literally every time we were both on. I ended up talking to her for like a year and a half and in that time we became really close.
The thing is, she lived in the town next to mine. But over that time i talked to her, we became "bf and gf" and i use those terms loosely. But it was a real thing not some stupid fantasy i made up. Granted, we were both in 7th grade so its not like it means much. but she was actually supppeerr pretty, but not like fake pretty. she was an actual person not some made up creep.
But over time, we stopped talking, mainly because i moved. but now i am on my quest to find her. The thing is, i cant remember her screename. she had like 2, but aim screenames were so generic that its hard to distinguish which one is hers out of the list. All i remember is that she was from the other town, and that she loved ryan sheckler, but i am on my quest. I know that sounds super creepy, but that would be like the ultimate discovery. better than those national treasure movies. But like I said, I don't remember her screename, and I don't remember her name, so I can't facebook her.
I really just want to talk with her again. We shared such a connection. But I can't figure out how to do this. Nobody is ever on aim, so i cant talk to them. I have narrowed it down to about 20 screenames. I'm thinking about having my friends post a status about this asking for a girl like this who loved ryan sheckler. I just want some insight on this operation.
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