After doing research for days, watching YouTube videos, professional presentations at my School, and watching several News broadcasts from the past, I have come to the sad realization that the Human Race isinfor some trouble. No, I am not a freak,guy with no life, maniac, or Emo kid with cut wrists, I am just someone who wants to make a point. The reason why? Oil. It is simple, but at the same time a hole that we have dug ourselves in so deep that we cannot get out of. Every factor of our modern day society in the civilized world is bound by Oil. If you do not know what Peak Oil is, research it, it is nearly upon us (or might very well already be).
Is the U.S. in Iraq because of Oil? Mainly, why yes our military is. Why? Because President Bush and the cabinet (hate to use this example but it is easily the most prominent)are smart enough to realize that the U.S. more than any other country is in serious trouble. 2% of all of the Oil produced in the world is made in the U.S., while our country alone uses 25% of the global Oil supply. Unfortunately, even with all of the pathetic commercials on MTV and awareness assemblies, it does not make any difference. We are not going to go back in time with our technology to save Oil, it just will not happen. The U.K. and most European countries, along with Canada and Japan are the runners up for using the most Oil.
Within 7-8 years I am estimating (as well with many others) that some type of MAJOR oil crisis will erupt in the world to the point that we will have to initiate some type of massive conventional warfare, hopefully with Nuclear weapons aside. Nearly HALF of the U.S.'s Oil supply is controlled by the Middle East...which just so happens to be VERY hateful towards us. And we want to pull out of Iraq? Why, so we can have our strings pulled and have to go back there to start another war for Oil? The bottom line is, whether any peace loving hippies or social activists like it or not, if you want your families and loved ones to be warm in the Winter, you want to drive down and see your grandparents during Christmas, and if you want to continue to eat three times a day, andwant to buy Plasma TV's rather than weekly gas,then we need to control as much oil as we can...unfortunately through warfare and violence, seeing as there will never be an agreement.
That is just the way it is...unless we find a way to Mars or some vast unknown Oil supply under the Ocean, we are going to be faced with this unfortunate problem of a Cutthroat free for all Oil crisis. There simply is NO OTHERsource of energy that could replace Oil onthe full scale of thing.I don't know about any of you, but I would gladly spill blood for Oil for my loved ones if no reasonable agreement could be made.
If anyone reads this rather long rant/post, whatever you call it, I hope that you take something from it and . I reccomend searching "Peak Oil" on YouTube and watch a few real presentations. You might find yourself getting a chill down your spine.
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