Thanks, I always like to here self-described agnostics define that term since it seems to have so many varied definitions.
Follow up question: Which of the two following phrases do you think best describes agnosticism (as it pertains to you specifically)
1. An agnostic is someone who dosen't believe in a deity but also does not, not believe in a deity
2. An agnostic is someone who does not assert that a god exists, but also does not assert that no god exists.
It's neither. Agnosticism means without knowledge, they asser that the existence of god cannot be proven or disproven, or more broadly that knowledge of metaphysical matters is impossible (hence without knowledge). The former I believe is called a weak atheist (atheist means without belief, which fits the description, but it's a weak position because they don't actively asser the non-existence of a god). The latter doesn't really belong to any formal position. Apathetic agnostic maybe, they don't make any claims to knowledge or any statements about position and don't care to.
The definition of the term varies depending on who is asked. Language is plastic.
Okay, I'm a Christian because I think that Jesus existed, only he wasn't the son of god. He was simply the most visionary man on the face of the planet, and his message got twisted by people who couldn't resist the urge to control. His real message is that everyone should love freely and do whatever drugs make them feel good.
Terms and distinctions exist for a reason, they exist beause people take up certain positions and want those positions to be easily identifiable. Using agnostic as anyone who simply doesn't have an opinion on god blurs that distinction and makes the recognition of true agnosticism that much harder.
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