:| ... Really, this again? This topic comes up every two weeks, and I need to keep on typing the story up over and over again... :x
This is why copy and paste is exists though:
Pronunciation: Fundai (Pronounced as"fun" (joy) +"Die (a single dice)
The story:
You know the toy company Bandai? Well when i was a kid, me and my siblings would always see their comercials, and at the end, it always yelled out "Bandai!" But we thought it said Fundai! So this became a sort of family Joke / random thing you say type of thing. and in our family, those can get out of Hand.
So then one day a few months later we were playing lego star wars. You know those tauntaun things in Starwars? Well one of us asked "what are those" and i replied "Fundais!"....
We laughed for about ten minutes straight. 
That cemented Fundai as sort of a family meme for us, and from that point on its history.
I now use Fundai (or in some unfortunate cases FundaiX) for everything I don't use my real name for online.
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