Iv been watching many comments about the Prince of persia movie in many places and they are so stupid. Just a question, did anyone here grew up reading disney comic books, like donald, mickey and stuff? I used to read them all the time.
How can anyone grow up not liking disney?
But anyway, what really bothers is the stupid comments saying PoP movie will suck cause its made by disney. " It will have no blood and gore OMG" "it wont be rated this..bla bla bla "
Is there any need to use lots of gore, violence and blood for the movie to be good? And besides just cause its made by disney doesnt means it willl be a movie for kids or something, or it wont have blood at all.
Even Pirates of the carabean had blood. PoC was a great movie and was made by disney. Would having more blood and gore helped with the movie sucess? i dont think so. It wasnt necessary at all.
i think you need to grow up if you think disney movies are just meant for kids.
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