ok first ofall i'm a bit drunk, just got back from a wedding so i aplogize for spelling....anyway
there's this girl I like...alot...whelll i don't know anymore..anyway
three nights ago she called me like 10 times I didn't answer because I was really busy, and dindn't have my phoen on me
so that morning she sends me a message "a couple words for you" "i'm done"
now normally she would block me from fb, but this time she didn't, so i played the wait it out game...and she's holding in...
so yesterday I sent her "why so serious?" message....she didn't reply
well now i'm drunk and want to send her another message...but i can't think of anything
lend me your wit...idk how bad it is...PM me if you have to...
I need to send her something that will get her attention...I want to know hwats up...she isn't answering my phoen calls either.
thank you bretherein.
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