They can be anything-politics, movies, music, etc. However, I am requesting that religion not be mentioned. Thanks :)
Here are a few of mine (I'm just including the idea-so, instead of writing "People who think 1+1 = 3", I would just write "1+1=3"):
1. Shakespeare in Love deserved Best Picture over Saving Private Ryan
2. Linkin Park is a good band
3. Blink-182 has musical talent (sorry, sammy!)
4. The Daily Show isn't funny (:x you people disgust me!)
5. Obama is a socialist
6. Bush is the devil
7. Obama is the antichrist
8. Obama is not a naturalized citizen
9. All our problems are Bush's fault
10. Obama/Democrats/Republicans hate(s) America
[spoiler] And, of course, Heath Ledger was a better Joker than Jack Nicholson :P (yeah, I'm talking to you, pyg :P) [/spoiler]
Those are just a few-I'm sure I could list more.
So, what makes you facepalm?
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