go for late night drives and just talk, go for walks, plan a goofy day were you two take a shower together do each others nails yes let her paint them and draw on each other then take another shower and watch a goofy movie (not the movie jus ta funny movie), play some fun board games with twisted rules you get to make them up or her, have a photo day were you two go out and just take photos of each other and together, go for a hike, teach each other things each other knows how ot do but hte other doesn't (fishing, ride a bike, jump rope or something funner), make a meal together something fun like a pizza so you will get messy makes it more fun mess up on purpose and then get take out (very romantic), have her help reorganize your room or decorate it or rearange it, play little big planet, plan a craft day where you to get together take objects and make something silly like a old shirt turn it into a silly costume or "love" shirt with her name on it or something cute, hav e aplay dress up and try on each others clothes ( don't take pictures you''l be sorry),
that's all I can think of for now.
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