ITT things you were doing before it became trendy. Maybe you still do it. Maybe you jumped off the bandwagon when everyone else jumped on. You probably didn't start the trend but you damn sure were there before everyone was. So what was it?
Now Im sure most of us can say nerd stuff like games, comics, certain movies etc. but here are some of mine
Now being from the south the Hipster scene has taken a little while longer to take off than most places but PBR has been here forever. Its only been in the last couple years i've noticed this but it seems everyone is drinking pbr now. Guinness is my favorite brew but till bars serve $2 Guinness i'll be drinking delicious PBR (or on lucky occations Yuengling)
New Balance 574
First saw these on a episode ofInsomniac with Dave Attellback in highschool and went out and got myself a blue pair, of which i got more compliments for than any other shoe i've owned. over the next year i went from being the only person i knew/saw with them to the only pearson with only one pair. They're on there way out now but i still think about getting another pair.
Few years back me and some friends decided to go buy some awesome walmart wolf shirts, afterwards we formed a mock 80's hairmetal band worshipping wolves and "amurica". Lately I've seen both wolves the ironic american patriotism take off in the forms of actual bands and scenekids. However we still praise our mascot wolf diety today and i still wear my wolf shirts.
C1assic rock
speaking of walmart: I was this kid in middle/highschool, i wore Zeppelin, Floyd, the Who etc. shirts everyday. During my latter part of highschool walmart (and hot topic) started selling unofficial c1assic rock shirts that blew up quick with kids who, when questioned, only knew of "stairway to heaven" and the like. I've quit wearing those shirts since HS unless around the house.
Retro Shades
I used to have so many of these handed down from my folks. It went from wearing them jokingly and drunkenly as parties to thinking "these things are actually pretty bad ass". I wore them a very short time before they were discovered by hipsters, scenekids, emo kids, f***boys and all around douchebags i remember as these being $1.75 at gas stations when I was 6ish, now.......
(why are my pictures not seperated? cause GS can't handle it apparently)
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