So in all of these years I've never owned a smartphone, though over the past couple of days I've been giving more thought to it.
Basic cellphones have always simply done the trick for me, but it occurred to me that I've never really given enough attention to all of the different kinds of phones and service providers out there over the past decade or so, so I'm not sure if maybe there's something positive I'm missing by not owning a smartphone.
For a few years now I've been on a family plan with the two people in my household, and I've simply just stayed on my 2-year contracts and didn't look into much else. The other people in my household may also be interested in switching to another wireless carrier, and we may also potentially drop cable or make some other changes to our monthly spending, which is part of the reason why I've started giving this more thought.
I am leaning towards the iPhone 5c or 5s. My fiancee has an old iPod Touch and I've grown to like the way things are laid out on their i-devices, I also like their iTunes service and texting application. I am not interested in the iPhone 6, too expensive and I don't need to have an extreme top-of-the-line smartphone. 5s and 5c also seem affordable, with deals going on for them since the announcement of the 6.
I'm not necessarily glued to Apple, though. I know a lot of people love Samsung phones. I also can see some appeal in Windows phones, especially since I own an XBox One and it would oh-so fulfilling to talk to 'Cortana' and make plans.
The truth is, though, I really don't know much about cell phone providers, smart phones, or what it is that I hope to gain out of such a change. I guess I'd like to get a nicer phone, one of a better quality that I can do more with, and possibly something that helps me out with my new career pathway in the tech field. I feel about ten years behind the times.
We are starting to look into AT&T, since we heard from a friend that they have pretty decent customer service. But I'm not really ruling out the other dozen-or-so providers. I hear a lot of great things about T-Mobile as well, especially how their plans are somewhat different from the competition. Virgin Mobile also looks like it could have decent and affordable service at first glance. I guess I still don't know if I should go with another contract, or try to use this opportunity to go contract-free for a change. Part of me is intrigued by the idea that I could change providers at will if another no-contract provider had a better deal. But then, I wouldn't want to have certain features of my phone just plain not work because I didn't go with one of the stable, big companies.
Ya'll probably know a bit more about different smartphones and carriers than I do, so I figured I'd ask for any honest thoughts or information anyone here can offer. This is something I am only just starting to look into, but I'd like to get some perspective, and see if maybe you all could recommend certain phones, phone-makers, carriers or plans.
Thanks for taking the time to read & respond. I may ask more questions.
EDIT: Oh yeah, and different phone apps and features! Like what all can Siri do? And what does this phone or that phone have? Anything interesting like that is good to know!
~ Ovirew
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