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Overdeveloped thighs and forearms w underdeveloped hips and shoulders; gross. Rather a chubby girl than that.
Disagree w the banning, unless something OP isn't telling us, like her personally attacking random fat chicks.
Lol, if she really did get banned for this then what is next? I'm betting a skinny woman eating a cheeseburger will piss off another fat woman for being an insult toward her diet and will get her banned instantly.
I have never and will never find that kind of thing offensive. The biggest "here is why I can't" reasons for people who don't lose weight are that they've had kids, work full time, have no spare time, don't have anyone to help them so they can go work out.
She's not insulting fat people, she's saying "you CAN do it" despite all of those challenges. This isn't post-baby fat shaming, it's just saying you CAN get into shape even with a busy lifestyle.
I have never and will never find that kind of thing offensive. The biggest "here is why I can't" reasons for people who don't lose weight are that they've had kids, work full time, have no spare time, don't have anyone to help them so they can go work out.
She's not insulting fat people, she's saying "you CAN do it" despite all of those challenges. This isn't post-baby fat shaming, it's just saying you CAN get into shape even with a busy lifestyle.
If you are young and have the right biometrics.
If you're over 35 and part of the genetically unblessed majority, then enjoy your flab, loser.
Overdeveloped thighs and forearms w underdeveloped hips and shoulders; gross. Rather a chubby girl than that.
Disagree w the banning, unless something OP isn't telling us, like her personally attacking random fat chicks.
There's always one
I doubt pictures like that are the only reason she was banned
Actually, it pretty much was. Overweight mothers who felt offended that they were called out on their laziness reported her and she was given a two day ban a few months ago.
Some call it bullying, I call it encouragement. As long as she isn't pointing out people by name and calling them all kinds of fat insults. While some may have medical conditions, most others just don't do what they need to do in order to be healthy.
This was the original picture that got her hated on.
Here is an interesting article where an admittedly overweight woman confesses her hatred for her but at the same time says she is absolutely right.
She looks so odd and photoshopped in that photo...
Anyways, not something to be banning someone for, but she definitely seems like a bitch. Do find it funny how some fitness people almost seem threatened by the fact that there are people out there not in shape.
If you are in shape be happy with that and perhaps help others who need support to get healthy. Don't be an egotistical ass about it.
Making fat people feel ashamed will most likely result in them eating more. Not exactly a winning attitude to adopt.
She looks so odd and photoshopped in that photo...
No wonder I find that pic awful.
Making fat people feel ashamed will most likely result in them eating more.
I never understood that. You will think stuff like this will encourage to do better,
I doubt pictures like that are the only reason she was banned
Actually, it pretty much was. Overweight mothers who felt offended that they were called out on their laziness reported her and she was given a two day ban a few months ago.
That's lame then. I can definitely see how someone would be annoyed with her "I'm better than you" attitude but that's not ban/suspension-worthy by any means
I doubt pictures like that are the only reason she was banned
Actually, it pretty much was. Overweight mothers who felt offended that they were called out on their laziness reported her and she was given a two day ban a few months ago.
Some call it bullying, I call it encouragement. As long as she isn't pointing out people by name and calling them all kinds of fat insults. While some may have medical conditions, most others just don't do what they need to do in order to be healthy.
This was the original picture that got her hated on.
Here is an interesting article where an admittedly overweight woman confesses her hatred for her but at the same time says she is absolutely right.
No, she wasn't banned for the photos. There was a post that she put up recently that was railing against the overweight that got reported. The post was marked as "hate speech" and removed and her account was temporarily disabled, but according to Facebook the disabling of the account was actually an accident. The account was re-instated, although the post in question was removed.
I dislike this woman for several reasons:
1) From her posts and interviews, her goal seems to be shameless self-promotion rather than helping people and she seems like she uses "It's for their own good" as an excuse for posting underwear photo after underwear photo of herself.
2) I strongly disagree with this goal that some women have of snapping themselves back into swimsuit shape as quickly as possible after childbirth. There's nothing wrong with being in shape, but retaining some additional fat after giving birth for a while is -normal- and actually kind of required for decent milk production. Tons of studies have shown that the best thing to feed your new infant is your breast milk (which is specifically designed for the task) for an auto-immunity boost and other long term health benefits. Whittling yourself down to 3% body fat the second you give birth is a good way to dry up your milk production. Now some women make a choice to not breastfeed for one reason or another, but if you make that choice because you want to look good in a swimsuit (i.e. vanity) then you are taking a step in the wrong direction as a parent pretty much right off the bat.
3) Her attitude of "if I can do it with my situation, anyone can" when she appears to be part of an upper middle class family that owns their own business strikes me as arrogant and narcissistic. When I see a picture of a ripped guy with one leg or read stories like the one about the ex-Marine who broke his back in a car accident and was told he'd never be able to walk again without assistance but put himself back together with Yoga and exercise, then I think to myself "-these- guys can ask that question". This woman is just a well-to-do housewife who likes taking selfies, so no I don't think she's earned the right to demand anything from anyone.
Also, this is old news because it all happened like 4 months ago (unless she just got banned for a second time).
Side note: My wife saw the articles on this woman and she's not a fan. My wife taught yoga prior to our two children, but exercise has been challenging because she's been experiencing back pain that the doctor hasn't really been able to help with and her options for treatment are limited while she's still nursing our youngest. She looks amazing, but I know she misses the ab definition she had when prior to pregnancy. When she saw the articles on this lady, she said her first thought was to stack up all of BOOKS (classic literature, history books, etc) she's read in the last two years against those that Maria Kang has probably read and ask her "What's YOUR excuse?"
My wife is awesome.
People that feel insulted by someone trying to inspire them need to get fucked and move on.
Also, seriously, mods, just go ahead and ban TC already. He's not going stop posting stupid topics making claims with no sources, and then never coming back to participate in whatever discussion may arise. He's probably never even seen his previous warnings, because he never comes back to see that his threads have been locked and he's been warned.
@Byshop: I will admit that a lot of what she says may be taken as arrogance, but I wouldn't go as far as calling the kind of "fat shaming" she has done hate speech like what the people who reported her did. People have to tiptoe on anything that even resembles health advice in regards to weight loss because somebody who thinks it is normal to be 5'4 and 190 pounds gets offended.
From what I gathered, her comments wasn't aimed at people who have medical conditions that prevent them from exercising or eating right, it was for lazy women who make claims why they can't exercise. She does have a lot on her plate anyway, she works and her husband is unable to because he was injured in an IED blast in Iraq. It isn't like she has a rich husband, nannies for her kids, and a personal trainer. She also shares her workouts on her website.
If anything, we are getting to a point where we try to shame people for being in shape, calling them arrogant, stuck-up and everything else we can think of. Women are going around calling themselves "thick" or "curvy" because they don't like being called fat and a lot of those same women will post pictures calling people who are of a normal size stick figures while claiming a real man wants something to grab onto.
It wouldn't hurt to get more people to exercise. Not saying people should look like her, but when it comes down to it the more obese people we have in the US the higher it is going to make our overall insurance premiums especially since health insurance is required by law now.
It wouldn't hurt to get more people to exercise.
Many people around here drive to the mailbox (max 80 yards) and then pull right back up to the house. These people will circle the parking lot for 10 minutes to find a space 50 feet closer than all the open parking spaces. I've even seen people in the town proper with postage-stamp-sized yards on riding mowers.
And you think these people are going to purposefully exercise? See you on the moon.
It wouldn't hurt to get more people to exercise.
Many people around here drive to the mailbox (max 80 yards) and then pull right back up to the house. These people will circle the parking lot for 10 minutes to find a space 50 feet closer than all the open parking spaces. I've even seen people in the town proper with postage-stamp-sized yards on riding mowers.
And you think these people are going to purposefully exercise? See you on the moon.
You reminded me of the reason I park farther away from the entrance on purpose when at Walmart. So many people are too lazy to push their carts to the cart holder and just leave their carts in parking spaces, which eventually drift away and start hitting cars. But my personal favorite was a few weeks ago where despite a big sign on the motorized carts saying do not take them out the store, one person drove the cart all the way to their car, left it in the space next to theirs, and got in their car and drove away.
The woman is just trying to encourage people to get off their lazy asses and workout, using herself as a role model. She does come off as a bit overly cocky and narcissistic, nut her heart's in the right place.
Although the way she tries to get her point across is not very tactful, I do agree with her. People these days are getting increasingly lazy. Yes there are some people who have legitimate reasons for being overweight (medical conditions), but many just find the easiest way to do things. They dont even walk (parking example from another poster). I dont see anything wrong with what she is saying. You can do it as well, and get fit, as long as you put the effort in. There are some people who have no medical conditions who dont have time to work out, but those are mainly those who work in consulting or in banking, where after you work for 12-15 hours in a day, the last thing you want to do is cook or work out. Anyway, the issue is part of what she is doing seems shameless self promoting. Hell if you look at the picture posted in this thread you can see there is some photoshopping going around in the face (and maybe in the body as well).
On another note, it is funny how some "obese/very overweight" people keep complaining about fat shaming. I am sorry but you should feel ashamed for being 200-300 pounds when you are like 5'10 or smaller If you dont have a medical reason for it. Just use some self control, eat smaller portions, more frequently, so essentially have a proper diet, go to the gym, or at least walk a decent amount every day. I am not saying get super athletically fit, but try and became healthier. It will not only help you with your social interactions, but also when it comes to getting jobs.
@Byshop: were you breast fed as a child? and would tell your wife to do the same to your kids?
WTF are you talking about? Also, I already mentioned that my wife nursed our children. What are you, 12?
What an idiot. I only I asked the questions because you seemed to know a lot about breastfeeding and its health benefits. And I missed the nursing part in your last paragraph.
I have never and will never find that kind of thing offensive. The biggest "here is why I can't" reasons for people who don't lose weight are that they've had kids, work full time, have no spare time, don't have anyone to help them so they can go work out.
She's not insulting fat people, she's saying "you CAN do it" despite all of those challenges. This isn't post-baby fat shaming, it's just saying you CAN get into shape even with a busy lifestyle.
If you don't have the chance to work out, or in any way be active enough over a period of 20 minutes or so, you can't really get in shape. You can get thin (through diet), but not in shape.
Now with 3 kids, she should be active. Assuming she does play with them.
@Byshop: were you breast fed as a child? and would tell your wife to do the same to your kids?
WTF are you talking about? Also, I already mentioned that my wife nursed our children. What are you, 12?
What an idiot. I only I asked the questions because you seemed to know a lot about breastfeeding and its health benefits. And I missed the nursing part in your last paragraph.
How does that make me an idiot? I'm 37 years old, so whether or not I was breastfed as an infant (nearly four decades ago) isn't relevant to this conversation. Obviously it's possible to have healthy children regardless of whether or not a mother elects to breastfeed, but unless there is a specific medical reason a woman shouldn't it's generally accepted as the best possible course of action for the child.
Also, I don't 'tell" my wife to do anything. We discuss options for raising our children and we make informed decisions together.
Fvck the haters, that lady is hot
she's not hot.
Agreed, she's not good looking. Weird face and tiny legs. That's bad on a woman.
Fvck the haters, that lady is hot
she's not hot.
Agreed, she's not good looking. Weird face and tiny legs. That's bad on a woman.
Yep. Looks very oddly proportioned.
@Byshop: I will admit that a lot of what she says may be taken as arrogance, but I wouldn't go as far as calling the kind of "fat shaming" she has done hate speech like what the people who reported her did. People have to tiptoe on anything that even resembles health advice in regards to weight loss because somebody who thinks it is normal to be 5'4 and 190 pounds gets offended.
From what I gathered, her comments wasn't aimed at people who have medical conditions that prevent them from exercising or eating right, it was for lazy women who make claims why they can't exercise. She does have a lot on her plate anyway, she works and her husband is unable to because he was injured in an IED blast in Iraq. It isn't like she has a rich husband, nannies for her kids, and a personal trainer. She also shares her workouts on her website.
If anything, we are getting to a point where we try to shame people for being in shape, calling them arrogant, stuck-up and everything else we can think of. Women are going around calling themselves "thick" or "curvy" because they don't like being called fat and a lot of those same women will post pictures calling people who are of a normal size stick figures while claiming a real man wants something to grab onto.
It wouldn't hurt to get more people to exercise. Not saying people should look like her, but when it comes down to it the more obese people we have in the US the higher it is going to make our overall insurance premiums especially since health insurance is required by law now.
I don't see how her posting over 800 photos of herself on Facebook (no, really) or selling a line of "what's your excuse" tank-tops helps anyone but herself. Her goal seems like shameless self-promotion rather than a genuine attempt to help others.
Once when I was at Best Buy I was carrying my oldest son on one shoulder. It's a cute game that he and I would play where he would sit on one shoulder and hold onto my head and I walked at a little bit of an angle so he could sit upright and stable. Most people see this and chuckle because it's a cute and unusual way to carry one's child. One day, a woman walked up to me at Best Buy and told me off because she thought it was dangerous. She claimed to be an ER nurse and angrily condemned me for endangering my child and that as an ER nurse she saw father after father who brings their child into the hospital because they carelessly dropped them while not being careful. I proceeded to lay into her on the arrogant presumption that goes into walking up to a total stranger and telling them how to take care of their child, and she tried to defend her actions by claiming that they were only intended to help.
Except I called complete BS on this and here's why. If this woman had really cared about getting me to modify by behavior to protect my son, there were any of a dozen different ways she could have broached the topic. How did she choose to bring it up? With angry condemnation, which is pretty much the least likely way to illicit a positive response. The simple fact was that this half-wit saw something that pissed her off and she felt compelled to make sure her idiotic (and kind of sexist) opinion was known.
Maria Kang reminds me of this woman I met in Best Buy. She says she acts like this for everyone else's benefit but that doesn't ring true for me. You aren't going to get someone to make a positive and permanent lifestyle change by trying to shame them about their bodies. That kind of negative reinforcement is more likely to lead people to anorexia or bulimia rather than proper nutrition and exercise. If her goal is to really help people, there are far better ways to go about it (albeit ways that probably won't get as much attention for her blog or sell as many tank-tops). A former bulimic taking over 800 selfies and rails against anyone who isn't quite as skinny but is comfortable with themselves anyway doesn't strike me as a confident, self possessed woman. She strikes me as a person with body issues who is projecting those issues onto others.
I've done a lot in my life that I can be proud of. I've had a successful career that I can support my entire family with having only had a high school education, I've competed in (and won) martial arts tournaments, etc. Yet the last thing I'm going to do is tell anyone who has less than me or has done less that the only possible reason for this is because it's their own fault for not having the same level of faith/discipline/whatever as me because (frankly) such behavior would be major douchebaggery.
You bought up breastfeeding to begin with. I just asked a follow up question as I never heard of the health benefits of it. But yet you ripped me.
You didn't ask me about the health benefits of it or any of the research surrounding it, you asked me if I had been breastfed which is a very weird question to ask someone. It sounded more like a bait than a legitimate attempt to discuss the pros and cons of nursing.
If you're curious about the health benefits, I suggest you google it as there's a ton of info out there. Every doctor we spoke to insisted that it was the best way to go, every prenatal class we took talked about it, and we read a number of articles and books that also supported this. It's also beneficial if for lower income families since formula isn't cheap. I get that you haven't heard of this, but at the same time unless you're a woman or an adult actively looking to start a family then there's no reason why you necessarily would have.
When you're having a kid, nothing is ever certain. There is always a chance that things can go wrong so you take steps to reduce risk. There may be many reasons why a new mother might decide not to breastfeed, but if vanity is a main driving factor in that then that's a mother that I lose some respect for.
You bought up breastfeeding to begin with. I just asked a follow up question as I never heard of the health benefits of it. But yet you ripped me.
You didn't ask me about the health benefits of it or any of the research surrounding it, you asked me if I had been breastfed which is a very weird question to ask someone. It sounded more like a bait than a legitimate attempt to discuss the pros and cons of nursing.
If you're curious about the health benefits, I suggest you google it as there's a ton of info out there. Every doctor we spoke to insisted that it was the best way to go, every prenatal class we took talked about it, and we read a number of articles and books that also supported this. It's also beneficial if for lower income families since formula isn't cheap. I get that you haven't heard of this, but at the same time unless you're a woman or an adult actively looking to start a family then there's no reason why you necessarily would have.
When you're having a kid, nothing is ever certain. There is always a chance that things can go wrong so you take steps to reduce risk. There may be many reasons why a new mother might decide not to breastfeed, but if vanity is a main driving factor in that then that's a mother that I lose some respect for.
My question was only generated from your comment. How you saw that as bait is odd.
I don't see how her posting over 800 photos of herself on Facebook (no, really) or selling a line of "what's your excuse" tank-tops helps anyone but herself. Her goal seems like shameless self-promotion rather than a genuine attempt to help others.
I will tell you who it helps. It helps people who respond better to criticism and shaming than people being nice to them and saying it's okay to fail as long as they tried even though they gave up without breaking a sweat. Fat shaming doesn't work for everybody, and the people who reported her for "hate speech" (really?!) obviously felt that silencing her was easier than going to the gym. But it did work for a lot of women who are losing weight because they were inspired. Her Facebook isn't just pictures of her in skimpy outfits, it has pictures of other women who lost weight following her advice.
My opinion is if they don't respond to fat shaming then they need to ignore her and figure out what will motivate them to lose weight, or if they are one of those "fat pride" women don't do anything and just stay fat while telling the world they are curvy to feel better. Trying to silence Ms. Kang isn't going to make their problems go away but it may make them feel like they accomplished something silencing the mean skinny babe who called them out on their BS. I think of Kang's methods like those fitness bootcamps. If you think being yelled at will motivate you to lose weight then go for it. If it's not your thing don't do it but don't try to ruin it for the people who it does help by trying to get them banned.
I don't see how that photo is an insult to obese mothers. People are just way too sensitive and easily offended nowadays. Sensitive souls give more power to offensive people than they realize. If they would simply ignore this woman and stop feeling so self enitled she would switch her tactics.
On the flip side, karma is a bitch. You can be a fit, sculpted vegetarian, giving unsolicited advice to strangers about poor eating habits and living a fit lifestyle and get hit by a truck the next day.
Posing half naked with her kids is an odd touch.
Also, seriously, mods, just go ahead and ban TC already. He's not going stop posting stupid topics making claims with no sources, and then never coming back to participate in whatever discussion may arise. He's probably never even seen his previous warnings, because he never comes back to see that his threads have been locked and he's been warned.
This. The incorporated Disney is so out of touch as well. TC is the type to set a bomb just to know it will go off, not to hear it or see it.
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