I'm a little worried. I'm sitting here talking to someone on MSN while looking at random crap on the net with Gamespot open and trying to figure when a good time to get my haircut is but somethings happening. It's just hit 1:00pm and the other residents of this house are not home yet. They are all in the same job and go in the same car and are normaly back about 11:00-11:30 time, they have never been this late before.
What worries me is that I got a phonecall from my brother regarding why they didn't pick up his son from nursery at 12:30, I told them they are not here and he said that he can't get hold of them on their mobile either. I had the phone ring a little while ago but whoever it was hung up before I answered, I didn't think to 1471 it at the time.
I guess they've broken down in some place with bag signal or something. But it gets worse, there is a hell of a lot of traffic conjestion outside. I just got this feeling that somethings not right.
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