Just a piece of advice: I send this letter to this guy im in love with( I don't know if he is gay or straight) but I have followed by intuition. He recieved is the day before todat(friday) I expect he did anyways and I haven't heard from him yet, even though I have written how he could find me on Facebook and written my email. Is this is natural reaction that it takes more than 24 hours before you hear something. Maybe he had a had a hard time coping with it, maybe he will send me a letter like I did to him(not by email).
The letter I wrote was this:
Love was just a glance away, a warm embracing dance away
Jeg beklager virkeligt hvis dette brev er for langt. Jeg udtrykker mig meget bedre gennem tale, but this will have to do. Hvis du falder i søvn efter de første 4 linjer - Er det sku okay. DU kan evt. tage 4 linjer ad gangen. Whatever you prefer*SS*.
Dear Mr. Emre
Tillad mig at præsentere mig selv som Ziggy Stardust eller Monsieur Verdoux - Det er selvfølgelig ikke mit rigtige navn men... Mit navn er ligegyldigt lige nu, i denne situation. Folk kalder mig som regel Ziggy Stardust. Hvad er det jeg har gang i?! Dette er ikke en kommerciel reklame for mit narcissistiske ego, så jeg kan tjene kassen, gå ud og drikke mig stiv og skrive kærlighedssange, til mit hjerte brister. Men mere noget som vedkommer dig. Jeg indrømmer gerne at jeg er på dybt vand, når jeg skriver dette brev og jeg vil prøve at gøre det så casual som muligt, fordi jeg vil for alt i verden ikke skræmme dig væk. Jeg vil gerne sige at du er fantastisk. Hmm er det for voldsomt. Du er sød så - Et af de sødeste mennesker jeg har mødt. Jeg fangede aldrig om du kom fra Norge eller Sverige, men det betyder intet. Du må forstå at jeg skriver dette brev, fordi jeg kan lide dig - Trods at jeg kun har mødt dig en gang. Jeg følte en sjælelig forståelse og en empati som er mig dybt vedkommende og jeg har tænkt på det siden. I forhold til at vi have en lille kommunikationsbrist, vil jeg udtrykke mig på engelsk i den ånd vi gjorde det i fra nu af. Dette brev må du ikke blive skræmt af - Nærmere smigret, det var tanken. Hvis det ikke siger dig noget, så riv det i stykker. Det forpligter ikke på nogen måder. Jeg er bare nød til at udtrykke mig og fortælle om mine følelser. Det er en konsekvent handling, som jeg erkender, balancerer på en knivspids, men jeg er paralyseret og må følge min intuition, fordi du er ganske enkelt fantastisk - Er det ikke "bra"*SS*?
I feel quite embarrassed writing this letter, because I have no idea, who you are, what you feel and what you think. I just know my own feelings - The subtle approach would be to offer you my friendship and that's what I am doing - Kind of. As I said, I don't know who you are. I barely even know your name (well part of it I do), even though I am sure it's something very sweet.. Myself - Well what can I say - I have academic skills, but it doesn't mean anything to me. I am a child, who will never grow up. I am but this generations Peter Pan. Childish, bordering on the line of being quite goofy in my sense of humour and then I am first and foremost a musician. Not just by nature. But my whole soul is in music. That is what I do and that is what I love - Well love and being in love. Two different things no? But enough about me, even though I am well Interesting in some ways (lets not overdue it) - Well no, I don't know what I am saying or writing. You have to forgive me. The words I am expressing to you are the purest and most honest words a boy (yes I am a guy that is 26 of age, but I feel as a boy right now) like me have ever said before. My meeting with you was well quite extraordinary and I have felt so sad ever since. Not that I usually feel sad, but sad because I thought to myself - I wonder if I'll ever see him again.
You have to realize that as a musician you also have to be a bit of a poet and heck I don't know if I can measure up to the standards of today's trends. I'll do my best though. I write poetry and if I should describe you and our meeting I would say this to you in this most honest, but also the most blunt way a person can express himself.
You are wonderful. Every look, tone, gesture, is engraved in my mind. You are so much more than one can possible dream of - Saint, sinner, snake, gazelle, angel all in one. I nearly cannot express it in words. Only a symphony could say it. The music of the spheres. I felt right at that moment, when I first met you, that there was a deep wordless understanding between us. It was in your eyes. They are beautiful - Like the loneliness of distant stars.
We are all alone in this world. It's quite often a sad and blundering world. But the kindest of gestures can make it beautiful. We don't have to be alone. I find passion in my music, but the day I met you, I did not feel alone. I felt sad, happy, confused, paralyzed all at the same time. Strange that a man can have that effect on another man. Whatever happens, I am grateful for those moments. Some shine in the dark. But in the darkness there must always come out a light. That day - Friday last week - you were that light - At least for me. I can honestly say that I have never had that feeling before in my life. Is it misguided? No I don't think so. What is it then? Well I can only offer you my undying friendship? By know you must realize that I am interested in getting to know you, or else you better bang you head against the wall a couple of times - I've heard that should help. Sorry for being so rude - it was a joke of course. Since I think you are wonderful - You just have to know that - Like strangers in the night something in your eyes was so inviting, something in you smile was so exciting, something in my heart, told me I must know you.
I have tried the suddle approach, even though Im not sure I succeeed*haha*. I think you are wonderful - Yes I realize I have used that word in abundance, but you just are. I hope we at least can be friends. By the way, I love my dog - You know, the little creature, we came with, that always call my attention. But that day - Well I neglected it - Sorry Aston (that's his name). My attention was elsewhere.
Of course I am on Facebook. Just search for Lars Mølgaard Hansen if you like to.
Well now I leave you in peace. I don't know if I've overstayed my welcome. If the letter was too long I am sorry(it properly was). If it were too short, well im sorry too!! Something's gotta give dammit! See you or not - but never forgot.
Of course my email: Herrx82@hotmail.com
Love is free - free is love - love is feeling - feeling love - love is wanting - to be loved.
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