My homie told me the other day something funny that really happened to him when he was young. He and his whole family used live together in these apartments his mom owns. One day, his uncle was driving his aunt back home to the apartments. Understand that his aunt is real old amd is not as bright as she used to be. When they got the the parking lot, his Uncle just got out immediatley and when up to the apartment and left the aunt inside the truck. Later on, his brother went out to take the truck somewher, and he saw the aunt. The aunt told him (in spanish), " Oh, johnny i'm locked inside the car and I can't get out, its getting real hot." The brother stood for a second and then yelled back, " Don't worry, tia, I'll get you out of there." My friend told me his brother had spent about an hour trying to get it open and was doing stuff like using a hanger, using a rake spoke, and trying to pry th door open with a crowbar. When he decided that he was going to try and just bust the oor off, he went and got my friend and asked for help. When they got outside my friend started helping out when all of a sudden, it hit him. He said to the brother, " Hey Johnny! Why doesn't tia just unlock the door?" The brother stood there for a sec and yelled to the aunt, " Tia! Just unlock the damn door!." He said then the aunt said back, " How!?". He also said that when she unlocked the door and got out, she was all sweating and hot afnning herself and stuff.
My friend said that at the time it was ser5ious, but now when he looks back on it, he can't help but laugh.
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