So here's the story, just a few minutes ago I left my computer to find something to eat, I proceed to look through all the cabinets until I lay my eyes upon a new package of Oreo's, so I take them back to my desk, after I situate myself near my computer, I open the bag, and everything seems to be going fine...but to my dismay I notice the first Oreo I pick up is deformed, no downright hideous, when investigating further I find instead of the Oreo engravements on both sides of the cookie facing outwards to remind you of what you are eating, on this particular Oreo it's two chocolate sides faced inward, so the damn smooth side is what you had to taste and feel in your mouth, so I shake it off and cast the cookie into the depths of the trash to be forgotten, but now comes the tragedy, one by one I frantically sort through the trays and I find all the cookies are abnormal, I had to hold back my vomit, and catch my breath, just to type this, I feel like a victim to some cruel practical joke, I am coming to you OT because I not sure how to combat this obscene oversight, should I take them back to the grocery store(I not sure I can bear touching them again) and sue them for selling such dangerous products or should I call the company directly and demand to speak to who ever oversees what goes out of those cookie factories to show him what I almost put in my mouth (I am sure he will end up taking his own life for such lack in responsibility), any other suggestions? I know two things for sure I will never eat another Oreo, and I will have my vengeance in this life or the next.
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