So my friend has a channel and I think it's pretty good, but he isn't receiving the traction he wants. He's trying to figure how to keep an audience. Thoughts/advice?
The content isn't really my cup of tea, but judging by their videos, it appears that views have gone down steadily since the first couple videos, but shot back up in "Nicki Minaj Plays Slender The Arrival 8 Pages Megabits". If they want to bring more attention and subscribers to their channel, perhaps they should consider making a sequel to that or similar videos?
Important part about Streaming if you want to become a big channel is having an interesting personality. That's why guus like Angryjoe, Alphaomegasin and the Pewdiepie have a solid following. If you're just sitting in front of the camera being as boring as possible then, you aren't going to get subs. I stream only for my personal friends so when I do it, I'm just in front of a camera talking about our jobs or some stuff we talked about earlier while showing off a game for them. Imagine Pewdiepie doing that. Subs would drop like flies. Your friends page needs to have more life.
So my friend has a channel and I think it's pretty good, but he isn't receiving the traction he wants. He's trying to figure how to keep an audience. Thoughts/advice?
Heres the channel.
Mod Edit - Link Removed
My thought is "don't use Off Topic to try to advertise a Youtube Channel, even if you say it isn't yours."
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