Just curious on what you guys think of torture? Recently had a debate about this in my poltiical science course, it seemed like the main voice was saying its ok.. And the main reason is the "fire with fire" idea...
Do people really think this is correct or not. I my self was absolutely appalled.. The United States government has made this a grey area in the past couple years which has disturbed me.. Just like having camera's in all of our homes (hypothetically of course) it could save our lives.. But the fact of the matter is can we really trust people with this huge responsibility? I say absolutely no.. torture is the exact same case, how can we trust the government with such a power that can be immensely abused.. Where when incarcerated a plea to guilty can be beaten out of you even if your innocent.. This has happened through out history.. Even recent times in Abu Gharib where the majority of people who were tortured were infact innocent..
Of course the majority of torturers do not believe this which will only result in increased abuse intill the person does give a statement that matchs with their idea.. Some of the people who don't confess (falsely or truthful) are merely beaten to death.. This has happened a few times in Iraq.. How can this be productive when it can only enflame the entire population giving more support to the extremist groups>? Do people realize that every study on torture that has ever been released has shown it to be a highly inaccurate piece of evidence.. Thoughts?
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