These should be a lot better than my bee videos. I didn't really like how the bee ones came out...think bees are a lot harder to film for a beginner (which I am). I am a lot more happy with how these three videos came out than my other ones. And like I said in my bee video thread, I'm hoping to make this a job :) I love the outdoors and animals.
So on to the point of the thread ("waterfall" in the valley by my house. Technically its just a small river, but its called Sorrento Valley Waterfall...but its only really a waterfall when it rains heavily...and then its really raging. This video is showing the top part of the waterfall) (same waterfall as previous link. This one should be nice just to sit back and listen to. Since for at least me, waterfalls have a really relax sound to them and relaxing to watch :)) (sounds of nature. You can hear frogs, toads, crickets and birds in the background, with a nice scenic shot. Again like the last video, should be nice just to listen and relax to)
Hope you all like them :) And like always, any feedback is nice. I'm still learning all this. In another thread, someone mentioned about backgrounds in the video...a little tough to get a good background, but I'm working on it
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