I don't mind the rain, but I detest lightning. I lost a PC due to that.
The bolt went through the cable internet line instead of the electrical, so the surge protector couldn't stop it.
Needless to say, whenever I hear thunder, I disconnect my cable line.
i have a kinda related story.
a while ago our house or w/e got struck by lightning. we lost like 5 TVs and my N64. N64 wouldnt work at all.
for some reason we still kept the N64.never got around to getting rid of it. then about half a year later, i was cleaning and somehow accidentally hit the on switch(yes t was still plugged in all that time:P ) and to my surprise saw the red light light up.was overjoyed. it still works fine to this day.
Lucky you.:P
My cable modem was fine, but the bolt fried my network card and some other parts. Had to buy a new PC.
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